Validation & Legal Defensibility

Proper validation of selection tools such as interviews, tests, or other assessments is critical for legal defensibility. In addition to validating new selection systems, we also review and validate established hiring systems to ensure EEOC compliance. This is particularly advantageous for hiring systems that are very large scale, have diverse candidates, or when there is a history or threat of legal challenge.

Example Projects:

  • Traced the legal history of a count case to advise an organization.
  • Developed presentations on the history of initiatives to revise selection procedures to maintain validity and reduce adverse impact.
  • Prepared presentations on the relationships between legal antidiscrimination laws, DEIA trends, and changes in hiring procedures in a large government organization.
  • Reviewed modifications of a model for predicting truck driver turnover.
  • Wrote a comprehensive validation report on using criminal background checks for hiring at a major retailer.
  • Evaluated risk factors of jobs relevant to criminal background checks, and then linked to types of relevant criminal history, to validate a background checking process at a major employer and support potential litigation.
  • Evaluated the validity of a training program exam for hiring into associate jobs in a retail organization for a law suit.
  • Analyzed facts, conducted research, and wrote a report on the business need for a staffing m model for a court case.
  • Analyzed the validity of employment application computer models for predicting assessor scores and the use of the model scores for reducing adverse impact among a large sample of professional employees.
  • Wrote a technical report documenting an external review and validation of a truck driver turnover machine learning (artificial intelligence) prediction model for a large trucking company.
  • Created alternative machine learning models and other analyses to conduct an external validation of a prediction model of truckdriver turnover.
  • Conducted a review of the model building and validity evidence supporting a machine learning prediction model of truckdriver turnover.
  • Conducted an analysis of adverse impact of promotion procedures for probation officers.
  • Conducted a validity and adverse impact analysis of a computer model for scoring applications for professional jobs.
  • Wrote a report on a validation study of bonus criteria for financial employees.
  • Criterion validated natural language processing scoring of applications and interviews to measure motivational constructs for hiring, and examining construct validity with other selection procedures.
  • Conduct a New York City Bias Audit of Automated Employment Decision Tools for a large employment test provider.
  • Conducted a validation study of bonus criteria for professional jobs including a survey and focus groups.
  • Reviewed technical and legal comments on an advanced hiring process for sofware engineer jobs as a high-tech company.
  • Reviewed the use of tests for hiring as input to legal counsel.
  • Conducted a content validation study of job-sample technical skill structured interviews for hiring software engineers.
  • Conducted an analysis of the validity of eight competency dictionaries for hiring in multiple datasets.
  • Conducted an adverse impact analysis of mental ability tests and machine learning (artificial intelligence) models for hiring professional employees in a large organization.
  • Conducted a review and validation of a machine learning (artificial intelligence) model for predicting promotion readiness of processional employees in a large international bank.
  • Conducted a literature review of criminal background checks for employment for a litigation support project.
  • Conducted a content validation of job samples for hiring software engineers.
  • Conducted a transportability study and content validity study of a situational judgment test (SJT).
  • Planned validation options for hiring procedures based on legal exposure.
  • Conducted a content validity analysis of assessments for hiring financial analysts.
  • Evaluated the implications of a revised competency model on the job relatedness of the assessments for hiring in a large organization.
  • Review the validation study for an artificial intelligence (machine learning) model for reviewing applications and resumes for hiring managers into a large company.
  • Conducted an Adverse Impact Analysis and Cut Score Determination for an Online Selection Procedure Used for Hiring Security Agents.
  • Revised a competency exam for facility managers based on a job analysis.
  • Reviewed expert witness reports in a gender discrimination case.
  • Conducted a review of validation reports and the literature on isometric strength testing for hiring in a gender discrimination lawsuit.
  • Conducted an extensive adverse impact analysis of the multi-step hiring process for 20 specialist jobs in a large organization.
  • Conducted an extensive adverse impact analysis of the hiring procedures used to select all professional employees in a large government agency.
  • Wrote s report on the development of a competency assessment for hiring couriers.
  • Conducted an evaluation of the job relatedness and development quality of a certification exam for hiring information management specialists.
  • Conducted a comparison between hiring assessments and job analysis results for financial services hiring.
  • Conducted a study comparing the current hiring assessments for security technical specialists with a comprehensive job analysis to identify the job relatedness and potential improvements.
  • Reviewed and write report on changes to a downsizing process for corporate and management jobs in a large retail organization.
  • Advised on the job relatedness of a promotion procedure for a litigation matter.
  • Reviewed synthetic validity report on a cultural assessment for hiring professional employees for large company.
  • Wrote a report on a review of the criminal background check process for a court case.
  • Conducted a review of the criminal background check literature for a court case.
  • Reviewed a criminal background check process in a large company for a litigation matter.
  • Analyzed a test validation report and the scoring procedures for potential litigation in hiring in a fire department.
  • Conducted content validation reviews with subject matter experts of hiring tests for manufacturing employees.
  • Wrote a report on the development of a test blueprint for hiring IT professionals.
  • Reviewed the promotion process, job analysis, and validation report for firefighter chief exam.
  • Write a technical report on an analysis and Cutting Score study a Reading Comprehension Test for Hiring manufacturing employees.
  • Reviewed a proposal to proceed with a computerized resume scoring process for hiring programmers in a large company.
  • Reviewed court case testimony and validation reports to provide litigation advice on a physical ability hiring system.
  • Reviewed the adverse impact of a hiring test for programmers and provided an opinion to a large company.
  • Wrote a development and content validation report for a reading comprehension test for hiring production employees.
  • Wrote a report on an adverse impact analysis and progress on revising hiring procedures after an audit by the OFCCP.
  • Conducted a detailed criterion-related validation analysis of tests for hiring production employees in a large manufacturing company.
  • Write a report on the development of a blueprint for an online test based on a job analysis.
  • Matched an organization's jobs to Bureau of Labor Statistics occupations to allow a labor market comparison for diversity.
  • Served as a technical reviewer for test validation research in the US by an international company.
  • Wrote a report on the development and content validation of maintenance tests used for hiring in a large manufacturing company.
  • Conducted a content validity study of the maintenance tests used for hiring in a large manufacturing company.
  • Served as a technical advisor on a validation study of a situational judgment test used by a large international bank.
  • Reviewed a validation report for a situational judgment test used by a large international bank.
  • Gave a presentation to a government enforcement agency on validating physical ability tests for hiring.
  • Write a report on the conclusions and recommendations from a validation study on an automated (computer scored) writing assessment.
  • Conducted surveys of subject matter experts to pick and content validate items for a job knowledge assessment.
  • Analyzing the impact of various cutoff scores for an online assessment and documenting the decision in a report.
  • Wrote an audit report for an organization to monitor its compliance with an OFCCP conciliation agreement for senior management.
  • Reviewed a physical ability testing system at a distribution center for validity evidence as part of potential litigation.
  • Wrote a content validity report on interviews, test, and exercise for hiring technical security specialists in a government agency.
  • Designed and analyzed the data from a content validation study and wrote a report for hiring into production jobs in manufacturing.
  • Conducted content validity surveys of subject matter experts to pick and validate an assessment for hiring technical employees.
  • Conducted content validity surveys of subject matter experts to pick and validate an assessment for hiring professional employees.
  • Wrote a content validation report on the revision of the assessments (resume screen, interviews, tests, essay exercises) for hiring security engineers.
  • Reviewed adverse impact analyses of the hiring assessments of a large organization and wrote an opinion.
  • Conducted a fourth and final audit of the hiring processes of a large manufacturing company including an adverse impact, revisions of hiring procedures, and compliance with an OFCCP conciliation agreement.
  • Reviewed hiring assessment for hiring and promotion of financial and banking examiner jobs in a large federal agency.
  • Conducted content validity surveys for several jobs in a large government organization.
  • Reviewed the validation report for a hiring system for technicians.
  • Conducted a review of validation reports on a personality test for a large IT services vendor.
  • Reviewed validity report on cultural assessment used for hiring in a large company.
  • Reviewed a physical ability testing program for hiring materials handlers into a shipping company.
  • Provided an opinion on a court case on using criminal background checks for hiring.
  • Conducted an analysis of adverse impact and of name race bias in the hiring of interns in a large organization.
  • Conducted an audit of the hiring processes of a large manufacutring company including an adverse impact, revisions of hiring procedures, and compliance with an OFCCP conciliation agreement.
  • Conducted an adverse impact analysis of the interviews for hiring security agents in a large government organization.
  • Conducted an adverse impact analysis of production hiring at a large manufacturing company.
  • Reviewed a validation report for an online assessment for hiring security agents.
  • Developed criterion measures and data collection plan for criterion-validation of selection procedures for manufacturing jobs in a large organization.
  • Conducted an adverse impact analysis of the hiring procedures for security personnel for a large government organization.
  • Conducted an adverse impact analysis of the hiring procedures for security personnel for a large government organization.
  • Wrote a detailed report documenting 15 years of validity evidence for all the hiring systems for all professional employees in a large government agency.
  • Reviewed a personality test for adoption by a large company for hiring employees.
  • Reviewing validation and adverse impact reports on assessments used by a large organization and writing opinions on the evidence and suggestions for improvement.
  • Wrote a report describing the development of an alternate form of an online assessment battery for hiring office support staff.
  • Conducted an adverse impact analysis of hiring procedures for all professional jobs for a large government agency.
  • Wrote a report on the development and content validation of a Situational Judgment Test for hiring professional employees in a large corporation.
  • Wrote a predictive validation report for a large scale selection process for hiring hourly employees in a major retail organization.
  • Reviewed validation reports and rendered opinions on validity and adverse impact for a personality test in a potential litigation context.
  • Conducted an adverse impact analysis of multiple tests for hiring into multiple hourly jobs in a large company.
  • Conducted an adverse impact analysis of the assessment procedures for hiring professional employees in a large organization.
  • Conducted a content validation and item analysis of a job knowledge test for information management professionals.
  • Developed a subject matter expert survey for evaluating the content validity of commercially available cognitive tests for use in hiring professional employees in a large company.
  • Conducted an analysis and wrote a report on the validity of tools for making downsizing decisions in a large organization.
  • Evaluated use of commercially available cognitive tests for use in hiring professional employees in a large company.
  • Conducted content validation and diversity analysis of situational judgment test items for professional jobs.
  • Facilitated an annual meeting of a legislatively mandated oversight group of testing experts that review the hiring process at a large federal government agency.
  • Reviewed an Applicant Tracking System for a large company to ensure compliance with OFCCP reporting requirements.
  • Reviewed a technical report and other materials and provided an analysis and opinion in a race discrimination testing case.
  • Wrote a report on a review of hiring procedures to ensure compliance with an OFCCP audit in a large company.
  • Testified in a court case on race discrimination in police promotions.
  • Reviewed a police promotional exam and wrote a report in a race law suit.
  • Reviewed a police promotional exam and wrote a declaration in a race law suit.
  • Testified as an expert witness in a court case on gender discimination on a physical ability test for hiring.
  • Conducted a review of a validation report on a maintenance testing program for a large organization.
  • Reviewed and critiqued expert reports in a race discrimination court case.
  • Conducted a psychometric, criterion-related validity, and adverse impact analyses of a test battery for hiring MANAGEMENT employees in a large retail organization (including situational judgment tests, personality test, and job simulation test).
  • Conducted a psychometric, criterion-related validity, and adverse impact analyses of a test battery for hiring HOURLY employees in a large retail organization (including situational judgment tests, personality test, and job simulation test).
  • Reviewed the hiring process for a large organization to assist in responding to an OFCCP audit.
  • Reviewed an adverse impact analysis conducted by a law firm.
  • Helped conduct a meeting of an oversight board of testing experts that annually reviews the hiring processes of a large government agency. Included presenting manadatory reports and also research projects conducted throughout the year.
  • Evaluated the validation evidence supporting a personality/culture test used by a large organization.
  • Conducted a review of the validity evidence supporting a criminal history checking process of a large organization and wrote a report for litigation support.
  • Created a comprehensive electronic archive of 210 technical reports describing research studies of the hiring processes of a large organization.
  • Conducted a comprehensive psychometric (statistical quality) analysis of all the hiring procedures (tests, interviews, assessment exercises) for 17 specialist professional jobs including 10 types of analyses for a large organization.
  • Conducted a review of the evidence, collected and analyzed relevant data, and wrote a report on the justifiability of pay differences using EEOC compliance manual guidelines in an Equal Pay Case for a financial institution.
  • Conducted a comprehensive adverse impact analysis of all components of the hiring process for 17 specialist professional jobs in a major organization, including detailed comparisons to the relelvant labor market availability.
  • Conducted a comprehensive adverse impact analysis of a complex multi-component entire hiring process for management and professional jobs of a large organization, also including historical trends and comparisons to the labor market.
  • Conducted a psychometric analysis and criteroin-related validity analysis of tests and interviews for hiring and promoting management employees in a large company.
  • Reviewed and analyzed content validity evidence and wrote a validation report on a promotion and job assignment process for a large company.
  • Wrote a report on performance evaluation and incentive compensation in support of a lawsuit at a financial services company.
  • Conducted a criterion-related validation study of simulations to hire pharmacists and technicians.
  • Wrote a validation report on the development of nine assessments for hiring scientists ane engineers in a research and development center of a large petrochecmical company.
  • Conducted a psychometric analysis and item-level racial differences on a test used for hiring managment trainees in a large company.
  • Conducted a statistical analysis of pay and promotion rate differences in support of a race discrimination lawsuit.
  • Reviewed job analysis and validation reports on assessments for hiring into a large medical facility.
  • Conducted a content validation of work simulations, situational judgment tests, and personality tests for hiring entry-level management employees for retail stores.
  • Wrote a rebuttal report on human resources practices used during downsizing for a court case on age discrimination.
  • Conducted an adverse impact analysis of multiple selection procedures for multiple job groups for entry level hiring of a large organization.
  • Writing a validation report on the revision of an internal promotion selection procedure.
  • Wrote a validation report on the revision of structured interviews and strucutred internal reference process for management and technical promotions in a retail organization.
  • Analyzed potential race bias in job knowledge items for hiring.
  • Conducted adverse impact analysis of qualifications evaluation process for 16 professional jobs, including application and accomplishment record.
  • Conducted content validation of 16 selection systems for professional jobs.
  • Served as expert in revising promotion and appraisal systems as part of a conciliation agreement in an employment lawsuit.
  • Conducted a content and criterion-related validation study of assessments for hiring bankers and tellers in a large bank.
  • Conducted an adverse impact analysis of the background checking process used for hiring professional employees for a large government agency.
  • Conducted a content validation of a structured interview and internal reference process for promoting store managers
  • Conducted criterion-related validity analysis of physical ability tests for hiring paramedics.
  • Conducted a psychometric (statistical quality) analysis and an adverse impact analysis of the selection procedures for promoting managers in a large company
  • Conducted an analysis of repeat test takers in a large government hiring process, including employment tests, application evaluation procedures, and assessment center exercises.
  • Wrote a validation report on a succession management process for a large corporation.
  • Conducted adverse impact analysis of several major hiring systems for a large government agency.
  • Conducted adverse impact for professional hires for a large government agency.
  • Evaluation of the layoff methodology at a large company compared to expected HR practices in downsizing.
  • Wrote a technical report on the development and content validation of structured interviews and internal reference reviews for four executive level retail manager jobs.
  • Develop and validate internal reference reviews for promoting between levels of executive managers in a retail company.
  • Providing litigation support on a sex discrimination lawsuit involving physical ability testing for a firefighter position.
  • Conducted an item analysis, adverse impact analysis, and candidate reactions analysis of a math assessment used for promoting retail managers.
  • Conducted a historical adverse impact analysis of all the hiring procedures for the last 30 years for a large government organization.
  • Conducting adverse impact analyses of professional employees for a large federal agency, including researching comparisons to the labor market.
  • Conducting adverse impact analyses for security agents for a large federal agency.
  • Reviewed and analyzed 10 certifications for information technology professionals in terms of requirements, job relatedness, and comparability for use in hiring.
  • Wrote a declaration in support of an age discrimination case in a downsizing context, including both statistical analyses and review of HR practices.
  • Revised cutting scores and bands, and analyzed adverse impact for multiple selection procedures for a set of hourly jobs in retail.
  • Conducted content validity studies of structured internal reference reviews for three managerial jobs in a large company, including linkage analyses, subject matter expert reviews, and technical reports.
  • Conducted content validity studies of structured interviews for four managerial jobs in a large company, including linkage analyses, subject matter expert reviews, and technical reports.
  • Developed procedures for a reduction in force of sales employees.
  • Analyze feasiblity of criterion-related study, including variance of passers and simulation of range restriction and unreliability, for a large hiring program.
  • Analyzed hiring data in support of litigation, including adverse impact and validity of selection procedures.
  • Revising technical reports for attorney communications on court agreements on the revision of human resource systems in class action lawsuits.
  • Conducted an adverse impact analysis and determined the optimal cut score for an online selection procedure for hiring security officers in a government organization.
  • Conducted content validity analysis survey evaluating promotion procedures for store manager jobs.
  • Conducted a criterion-related validation of selection procedures used for acceptance into a pipefitter training school.
  • Review of the hiring and recruiting procedures for associates in a large home furnishings chain based on a job analysis and technical review for a court case injuctive relief agreement.
  • Conducted literature review, research, and analysis on downsizing decisions and wrote report and provided expert support in an age discrimination court case in a medical devices company.
  • Conducted research and analysis on downsizing decisions in an age discrimination court case in a newspaper.
  • Serve as the primary technical advisor for over 10 years on a large scale written examination (n = 20,000 annually) and assessment center (n = 4,000 annually) for hiring professional employees into a large federal government agency including test development, validation, revisions, cut scores, adverse impact, assessor training, operational issues, and management consulting.
  • Conducted a study of criterion-related validity, adverse impact, and optimal cut scores for a selection system for pharmacist and specialist jobs in a lare drug store company.
  • Conducted an adverse impact and labor market availability analysis of a large-scale testing program for hiring professional employees into a government agency.
  • Developed and conducted a criterion-related validation study of a structured interview, test battery, and performance appraisal for staffing team-based production jobs in a new pulp mill; also developed system for selecting supervisors for the new mill.
  • Served as a technical advisor to supervise the research firm developing a yearly written examination for hiring into a large department of the federal government, including the responsibility for ensuring the job-relatedness of the test and writing the validation report.
  • Conducted a content-related revalidation study of an entry-level production employee hiring system for a large pulp and paper mill.
  • Advised on the validation of a selection system for hiring letter sorter operators in the post office.
  • Developed and conducted a content-related validation of an accomplishment record selection process for allowing changes of job assignments in a large department of the federal government.
  • Conducted an analysis of validity data and revised the scoring system for a selection instrument used by an aviation fuel service company.
  • Wrote a 500-page report documenting the content-related validation evidence for the assessment center used to hire entry-level candidates for a large government agency.
  • Wrote a 300-page report documenting the content-related validation evidence for the written examination used to hire entry-level candidates for a large government agency.
  • Developed validation report for selection process developed for start-up steel facility.
  • Analyzed the content validity of multiple assessments (structured interviews, assessment center dimensions, management case exercises, accomplishment record, and others) by showing linkages with job analyses data for hiring candidates for a large government agency.? Also analyzed the reliability and other psychometric properties of the assessment center data.?
Please contact us for more information on how Campion Consulting Services can enhance your organizational capabilities.