Hiring decisions can have a multi-million dollar impact on an organization, yet so many organizations disadvantage themselves by downplaying or ignoring the importance of a valid and reliable hiring system. In addition to offering individual selection tools, we provide complete recruiting and selection system design and implementation, from job analysis through validation. Selection tools include structured interviews, completely custom and highly job-related employment tests, assessment centers, and on-the-job assessments with high employee acceptability.
Example Projects:
- Programmed a practice test for candidates to get feedback on passing a hiring procedure.
- Developed presentations on the history of initiatives to revise selection procedures to maintain validity and reduce adverse impact.
- Prepared presentations on the relationships between legal antidiscrimination laws, DEIA trends, and changes in hiring procedures in a large government organization.
- Supervised the online programming of a practice test for candidates to get feedback as to whether they would pass in order to be hired.
- Conducted adverse impact analysis of physical ability assessments for hiring for a lawsuit.
- Studied the use of machine learning to score minimum qualifications of several professional jobs, including developing pilot models, and provided recommendations.
- Conducted computer scoring of administrative and information technology job candidates.
- Revised the assessment reports of passing rates and scores for several hiring programs.
- Provided an external review of changes to a truckdriver turnover prediction model.
- Revised, validated, and wrote a report on a computer model for selecting mid-career professionals.
- Reviewed modifications of a model for predicting truck driver turnover.
- Conducted a validation study of computer models for selecting employees for information technology jobs.
- Conducted a validation study of computer models for selecting employees for office management jobs.
- Developed computer models for applications to select employees for information technology jobs.
- Developed computer models for applications to select employees for office management jobs.
- Conducted a simulation study and wrote report to determine the effects of combinations of hiring procedures on adverse impact and candidate quality for professional jobs.
- Analyzed computer model validity and adverse impact for scoring applications for professional jobs.
- Developing a computer model for measuring minimum qualifications for hiring.
- Wrote a comprehensive validation report on using criminal background checks for hiring at a major retailer.
- Analyzed adverse impact and validation evidence for a physical fitness assessment for hiring police investigators.
- Evaluated risk factors of jobs relevant to criminal background checks, and then linked to types of relevant criminal history, to validate a background checking process at a major employer and support potential litigation.
- Created test and interview questions using artificial intelligence.
- Analyzed candidate applications and narrative responses to questions on accomplishments for artificial intelligence- generated text, including whether influenced scores.
- Developed a computer model for scoring applications and narrative answers for hiring information technology staff.
- Developed a computer model for scoring applications and narrative answers for hiring administrative and secretarial staff.
- Revising position announcement prescreening questions to improve measurement of minimum qualifications for hiring.
- Reviewing the hiring process for selecting interns for professional jobs in a large organization.
- Reviewing the facts, conducting research, and writing a report on essential functions and alternatives in a lawsuit on the Americans with Disabilities Act.
- Evaluated the validity of a training program exam for hiring into associate jobs in a retail organization for a law suit.
- Analyzed facts, conducted research, and wrote a report on the business need for a staffing m model for a court case.
- Finalized three expert witness reports in a gender and race class claim of compensation and promotion.
- Conducted a validity and adverse impact analysis of a computer model for scoring applications for hiring professional employees into a large organization.
- Conducted a plagiarism and AI-generated text analysis of application narratives submitted as part of a hiring process for professional employees to detect candidate cheating.
- Created computer models for scoring applications for mid career candidates in government professional jobs.
- Created NLP dictionaries for automated scoring of 20 common interview skill categories.
- Developed alternatives to manual scoring of minimum qualifications in the hiring process.
- Computer scored applications for professional jobs.
- Conducted audit to comply with the New York City Automated Employment Decision Tools law.
- Created algorithms using natural language processing (dictionaries) for scoring range of common interview questions.
- Used artificial intelligence to create job knowledge and situational judgment tests for contracting, procurement, property management, and other skills.
- Used artificial intelligence to created bank of interview questions.
- Created automated interview scoring algorithms for common skills.
- Analyzed the validity of employment application computer models for predicting assessor scores and the use of the model scores for reducing adverse impact among a large sample of professional employees.
- Analyzed plagiarism and artificial intelligence generated text in employment applications.
- Conducting text analyses to understand gender differences in applications and interviews for hiring.
- Reviewed software engineering job sample interview questions.
- Conducted an analysis of gender differences in language in 17 dictionaries and 5 samples used for scoring competencies and personality traits for selection.
- Conducted a validity and adverse impact analysis of a computer model for scoring applications for professional jobs.
- Analyzed the use of artificial intelligence generated answer by candidates to applications for hiring into professional jobs for a large organization.
- Conducted an analysis of artificial intelligence generated answers to questions on applications for employment of professional employees in a large organization.
- Wrote a technical report on the use of natural language processing dictionaries for selection, including 12 datasets and 70,000 candidates.
- Helped move an assessment center to remote administration.
- Provided review of hiring system to address and OFCCP audit.
- Revised online exams consisting of job knowledge, situational judgment, reading comprehension, and language knowledge for hiring professional employees.
- Advised on taxonomy of structured interview topics to develop an assessment product for a start-up company.
- Reviewed a talent assessment plan for a start up company.
- Creating rules/ best practices for candidates taking remote assessments for hiring.
- Helping convert an onsite hiring process into a virtual one, including revising assessments and creating remote technical system.
- Developed natural language processing (dictionary) computer scoring of competencies for hiring.
- Revised computer models for scoring writing skill based on essays for hiring.
- Wrote a technical report documenting the development and validation of computer models for scoring applications to hire professional employees in a large organization.
- Wrote a technical report documenting the formulas to conduct a New York City Artificial Intelligence Bias Audit.
- Conducted a review of state laws and pending legislation on artificial intelligence in employment.
- Reviewed software engineering job sample assessment questions for hiring for a financial services company.
- Conducted NLP computer scoring of employment applications for a large organization.
- Developed word dictionaries to measure Grti, Resilience, Self-Determination, and Delayed Gratification for hiring and selection into schools.
- Advised on hiring HR manager for a small company and reviewed candidates.
- Reviewed a technical manual for gamified assessments.
- Developed a tool for complying with Artificial Intelligence Bias Audits in New York City.
- Conduct a New York City Bias Audit of Automated Employment Decision Tools for a large employment test provider.
- Conducted a study of whether adding competency and personality dictionary scores to other (language based) computer models for hiring professional employees will improve prediction.
- Conducted an analysis of a computer model for scoring writing skills and an improvement to the model for hiring professional employees.
- Reviewed technical and legal comments on an advanced hiring process for sofware engineer jobs as a high-tech company.
- Conducted and adverse impact analysis of the multiple hiring procedures for 23 professional jobs.
- Conducted a review of a candidate job matching algorithm used for hiring in a large company.
- Recorded marketing videos describing the use of artificial intelligence tools to score competencies and personality traits from textual application materials for hiring.
- Created initial word dictionaries to measure motivational constructs (grit, resilience, self-determination, intrinsic motivation, locus of control, and delayed gratification).
- Reviewed the use of tests for hiring as input to legal counsel.
- Conducted analyses and revised the norms for a facility manager online hiring exam.
- Developed word dictionaries for natural language processing scoring of employment applications to measure several motivational constructs, including grit, resilience, self-determination, locus of control, and delayed gratification.
- Wrote a report on the development and validation of word dictionaries to measure the Big-5 personality traits for selection.
- Conducted a study to determine whether adding competency and personality dictionary scores (using natural language processing) to the current computer models for hiring professional employees can improve prediction of the human hiring official scores.
- Researched grit, resilience, self-determination, and locus of control to develop a text based measure using artificial intelligence for hiring.
- Conducted a plagiarism analysis of narratives written in applications for employment, including an analysis of chatbot-written (GPT) narratives.
- Reviewed assessments for hiring managers in an automotive company.
- Created a test blueprint for hiring construction engineers based on a job analysis.
- Validated dictionary-based measures of the Big-5 personality traits against hiring official ratings, including examining construct validity correlations with other personality measures.
- Conducted item analyses and reliability analyses of Big-5 dictionary measures.
- Created word dictionaries for the Big-5 personality traits.
- Conducted an analysis of passing rate trends on several hiring assessments over 10 years for about 16 professional jobs.
- Analyzing the effectiveness of practice tests for improving candidate scores, recruiting outcomes, and adverse impact for hiring.
- Created instructions to candidates on taking internet exercises and made revisions to the programming of 20 assessments to make them more user friendly.
- Revised the knowledge exam used for hiring security engineers to include more cybersecurity knowledge.
- Conducted a study of score differences between remote and onsite administration of hiring assessments.
- Wrote a report documenting the development of a dictionary measure of proactivity.
- Conducted a literature review and wrote a report on staffing agency best practices for recruiting and work assignments to ensure fairness and avoid discrimination.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of alternative ways of combining cognitive tests and machine learning (artificial intelligence) assessment scores.
- Created word dictionary for measuring proactivity from text data in interviews and applications for hiring.
- Conducted a standards setting meeting on physical fitness standards and weapons qualification standards for security agents.
- Wrote a report recommending physical ability test and weapons standards based on job analysis results for tactical teams of security agents in a government organization.
- Running computer models to select candidates for professional jobs in a large organization.
- Developed rating scales for evaluating applications for hiring emergency paramedics.
- Conducted a subgroup (diversity) analysis of scores on a physical job simulation for hiring security guards.
- Analyzed the predictive validity and construct validity of dictionaries to measure enthusiasm and empathy in text scoring of interviews.
- Revised vacancy announcements for hiring financial managers and construction engineers.
- Created scoring rubric for applications for hiring for financial management and construction engineer jobs.
- Analyzed the accuracy of computer models for scoring applications and essays for hiring in a large organization.
- Created dictionary to measure empathy in interview responses with artificial intelligence for hiring.
- Created dictionary to measure enthusiasm interview responses with artificial intelligence for hiring.
- Conducted an item analysis of a competency exam for hiring human resource managers.
- Prepared update on new developments in the assessment world and use of artificial intelligence for Board Meeting.
- Programmed case exercises for hiring that could be remotely administered.
- Assisted in creating an artificial intelligence interview scoring product by developing design, functionality, administration, and content.
- Write several hundred interview items for an artificial intelligence interview scoring product.
- Conducted a statistical reliability analysis of a CPR certification simulation for hiring security officers.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of range of assessment for hiring professional employees in a large organization.
- Analyzing the relationship between computer scoring of an application and resume with human scores.
- Wrote an interview item bank of 350 questions to be used for an artificial intelligence interview product.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of assessment for hiring secret security agents.
- Analyzed changes to a competency model for the influence on hiring criteria in a large organization.
- Researched options for remote group exercises and remote test proctoring.
- Analyzed TF-IDF and other scoring methods for artificial intelligence competency measures for hiring.
- Conducted analyses of various artificial intelligence scores for measuring competencies.
- Developed competency dictionaries to inform hiring decisions as a product for a start up artificial intelligence company.
- Created dictionaries for scoring the competencies reflected in written application materials.
- Created and English expression test for hiring doctors, nurses, and medical technologists.
- Reviewed of the development method, validity, and adverse impact of artificial intelligence computer models for prescreening job candidates at a large organization.
- Created an English skills test for hiring medical technologists.
- Helped develop a reduction in force process to select employees for termination for a large company.
- Running computer models to score candidate applications and resumes.
- Provided a review of computer models for hiring professional employees based on personnel selection practices, validation evidence, adverse impact, and legal exposure, as well as machine learning.
- Reviewed and revised a tool for making reduction of force decisions in a large company.
- Revised a situational judgment test for hiring human resource managers.
- Revised application prescreening rating process for hiring physicians and other medical professionals.
- Reviewing the validity of a CPR job simulation assessment for hiring for security guards.
- Analyzed computerized text analysis scores of application information to create personality composites for selection decisions at schools.
- Analyzing the validity of computer models for predicting assessor scores in a large-scale hiring process.
- Conducted item analyses and revisions of situational judgment tests for hiring doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals.
- Conducted analyses to determine text-based personality composites to use in an online product.
- Conducted item analyses of tests for hiring doctors.
- Created test blueprints based on a job analysis for four medical occupations.
- Revising the vacancy announcements based on a job analysis for several medical occupations.
- Revised rating scales for prescreening candidates for human resource manager positions.
- Revised a personality test used for training sales people.
- Conducted a content validity analysis of assessments for hiring financial analysts.
- Conducted a study and wrote report replicating the prediction of a computer model for hiring medical professionals.
- Conducted a study and wrote report on a diversity and adverse impact analysis of a computer model for hiring medical professionals.
- Conducted an analysis of the adverse impact of computer models for selecting students into graduate medical training, including the predictive value of alternative selection procedures to reduce impact.
- Reviewed structured interviews for hiring security agents for a large government agency.
- Reviewed an interview product for a start-up hiring assessment company.
- Reviewed and wrote a letter of endorsement for a structured interviewing product.
- Conducted a review of an artificial intelligence application for screening resumes for a personnel section from an Industrial Psychology research perspective for a data science company.
- Conducted an analysis of the accuracy of computer models for scoring applications for employment in a large government agency.
- Reviewing the literature and creating dictionaries for a range of constructs for an artificial intelligence employment selection algorithm.
- Reviewed interviewing product for a start-up company.
- Review the validation study for an artificial intelligence (machine learning) model for reviewing applications and resumes for hiring managers into a large company.
- Revised a competency exam for hiring human resource managers based on a job analysis, including job knowledge and situational judgment questions.
- Conducted an item analysis of a hiring exam for human resource managers.
- Writing articles (blog posts) on artificial intelligence for an AI assessment vender.
- Revised a practice employment test to give candidates feedback on their likelihood of passing and suggestions for improvement.
- Analyzed the accuracy of computer models based on correlations with human assessors for scoring applications that include extensive narratives and essays used for hiring professional employees.
- Conducted collusion and plagiarism analyses of candidate application answers and essays in a large hiring context.
- Developed a test blueprint for hiring Human Resource Managers from a job analysis.
- Provided an independent analysis of the accuracy of a machine learning (artificial intelligence) computer model for selecting medical school candidates.
- Updated the position announcement for hiring human resource managers based on a job analysis.
- Reviewing and revising structured interviews for a range of professional jobs in a large organization.
- Conducted an analysis of alternative passing scores on passing rates and adverse impact.
- Conducted a collusion analysis of application narrative essays submitted by candidates for hiring professional employees.
- Conducted an Adverse Impact Analysis and Cut Score Determination for an Online Selection Procedure Used for Hiring Security Agents.
- Revised a competency exam for facility managers based on a job analysis.
- Analyzed the accuracy of computer models for scoring applications and essays.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of hiring assessment for security agents.
- Reviewing revisions of assessments including interviews and cases for a dozen professional jobs.
- Review of structured interviewing product in development.
- Conducted an analysis of the Influence of Sensitivity Reviews on Passing Rates and Potential Influence of Culture on the Situational Judgment Test for Hiring.
- Analyzed passing rates on the assessments used for hiring for 16 professional job types.
- Evaluating the products of a start-up company in the area of artificial intelligence tools for hiring.
- Conducted analyses of the accuracy of computer models to predict human assessor scores of applications and essays.
- Developed a blueprint for a situational judgment test.
- Adapting exams and cases for remote hiring.
- Wrote a report on using assessment for similar jobs.
- Created a regional manager structured interview for a property management company.
- Developed alternative forms of past behavior question (PBQ) interviews for hiring professional employees, including content validation.
- Review interview items and created new interview questions for hiring security agents.
- Reviewed the validation evidence on job sample selection tests for hiring maintenance employees for a large agricultural organization.
- Conducted a review of validation reports and the literature on isometric strength testing for hiring in a gender discrimination lawsuit.
- Prepared presentation on current research and practice trends in Industrial and Organizational Psychology for a Board Meeting of a hiring testing company.
- Analyzed the adverse impact reduction from various types of candidate preparation for a assessment center exercises for hiring professional employees in a large organization.
- Conducted a study of whether the opinion expressed by candidates on writing skill essays affect the scores by hiring officials.
- Wrote a report on the creation of feedback reports on assessor scores to reduce the effects of group norms on rating errors.
- Wrote a report on allowing spelling and grammar checkers for writing answers to case exercises for hiring.
- Modified online assessments to allow secure report testing for hiring for four professional jobs.
- Converted competency exams and cases to remote administration for eight professional jobs and wrote report.
- Conducted an analysis of the utility and adverse impact of computer scoring (artificial intelligence) models.
- Created a presentation on 25 research studies on text analysis for personnel administration uses in the military.
- Wrote a report cross-validating and developing a final computer model for scoring the writing skill in essays for hiring professional employees.
- Converting online assessments to remote administration.
- Wrote a report compiling more than 20 studies of using text analysis for personnel assessment in the military.
- Conduct analyses of the validity of text analyses of application information, including incremental validity beyond aptitude tests, for predicting selection decisions of officers in the military.
- Reviewed assessment center case exercises for hiring professional employees.
- Conducted an analysis of the impact of alternative weighting formulas on the validity and hiring decisions of assessments used for staffing professional jobs.
- Conducted text mining of candidate applications in the military and correlated with selection board scores.
- Analyzed correlations between computer scores and assessor scores of hiring procedures for professional employees in a large organization.
- Conducted text mining of interview answers to predict human interview ratings and test scores for use in hiring.
- Conducted an extensive adverse impact analysis of the multi-step hiring process for 20 specialist jobs in a large organization.
- Wrote a technical report on the development and validation of a text-mining computer model for scoring essays for writing skills to hire professional employees.
- Revised a technical exam for hiring security engineers, including writing a technical report.
- Created a text mining computer model to score writing skills based on essays written by job candidates for professional jobs.
- Reviewed leaderless group discussion exercise used in a large assessment center.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis and cut score determination analysis of a batter of assessments for hiring security agents.
- Revised a job knowledge test blueprint for hiring professional employees.
- Wrote s report on the development of a competency assessment for hiring couriers.
- Revised a technical knowledge exam for hiring security technical specialists.
- Conducted a pilot test and items analysis of assessments for hiring shipping couriers and revised tests of reading, English, and judgment.
- Wrote a report on alternative hiring procedures that could be used as prescreening assessments for hiring financial institution (bank) examiners.
- Conducted an evaluation of the job relatedness and development quality of a certification exam for hiring information management specialists.
- Conducted training of text analysis computer models to enhance job relatedness and content validity.
- Conducted test mining of interview questions and and analyzed correlations with mental ability tests.
- Developed and validated situational judgment questions for office management specialists.
- Evaluated certifications for hiring office management specialists.
- Evaluated the comprehensiveness and content validity of hiring assessments for office management specialists and wrote a report.
- Conducted a comparison between hiring assessments and job analysis results for financial services hiring.
- Developed computer assisted text analysis models of interview answers.
- Reviewed validation studies of a computer scoring (machine learning) model for prescreening resumes at a large organization.
- Analyzed a machine learning computer model for hiring professional employees.
- Reviewed new group exercise (leaderless group discussion) as part of a large-scale assessment center.
- Conducted review of construct validity of Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) software scales.
- Created reading regulations, English expression, and situational judgment tests for hiring shipping security professionals.
- Finalized literature review on use of computer assisted text analysis for measuring employment-related constructs.
- Developed a presentation on the research behind unconscious bias for training full time assessors in a large organization.
- Summarized the job analysis information in a supervisor satisfaction survey for implications for revising hiring assessments.
- Analysed passing rates and revised norms of competency assessments (job knowledge and situational judgment) for hiring technical security specialists.
- Conducted text mining of applicant information for hiring.
- Ran computer scoring model on applicant data and analyses to improve the computer model (including text mining).
- Wrote a report on the revision of the dimensions for scoring an assessment center, including linkages to a job analysis.
- Conducted an literature review and wrote a report on the use of computer assisted text analysis for hiring, training, and appraisal.
- Reviewed and revised competency and personality assessments for use with sales training.
- Conducted a study comparing the current hiring assessments for security engineers with a comprehensive job analysis to identify the job relatedness and potential improvements.
- Conducted a study comparing the current hiring assessments for security technical specialists with a comprehensive job analysis to identify the job relatedness and potential improvements.
- Conducted text mining of essay responses to create a computer model for hiring.
- Revised the computer model for scoring applicant text and other application information for hiring professional employees in a large organization.
- Created a reading travel regulations test for hiring diplomatic couriers.
- Created an English Expression test for hiring diplomatic couriers.
- Reviewed and wrote report on modifications to the downsizing process at a large retail organization.
- Created situation judgment test for hiring diplomatic couriers.
- Reviewed and write report on changes to a downsizing process for corporate and management jobs in a large retail organization.
- Reviewed applicability of text mining and computer learning to measure hiring-related constructs in the military.
- Reviewed interviews and essays for hiring IT interns.
- Analyzed and wrote a report on a revision to a downsizing process at a large company.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of the hiring assessments used for security officers in a government organization.
- Reviewed a machine learning report on scoring application information for hiring.
- Created a test blueprint for a situational judgment test for hiring professional employees.
- Wrote a report on alternative selection procedures for a race discrimination in background checks court case.
- Compared vacancy announcements to job analysis results to ensure job relatedness for professional positions in the federal government.
- Reviewing and providing recommendations on assessments, attributes, and feedback reports for developing sales personnel.
- Developed a blueprint from a job analysis for a job knowledge test used for hiring professional employees.
- Reviewed a machine learning (data mining) report for scoring applications.
- Wrote a technical report on a test equating study and other analyses for setting the cutoff score on an automated (computer scored) writing assessment.
- Revised the integration form for an assessment center and wrote a report.
- Conducted a psychometric analysis and wrote a report on the battery of tests used for hiring immigration and travel adjudicators.
- Wrote a report documenting the reasons and analyses supporting the use of a cutoff score on a prescreening hiring competency test.
- Reviewed revised exercises as part of a large assessment center.
- Conducted a test equating study and set a passing score on an automated writing assessment for hiring financial professional employees.
- Wrote a periodic report on an adverse impact analysis and progress on revising hiring procedures after an audit by the OFCCP.
- Conducted an item analysis of a job knowledge test and situational judgment test for hiring professional employees.
- Analyzed a test validation report and the scoring procedures for potential litigation in hiring in a fire department.
- Conducted item analyses of a job knowledge test and a situational judgment test for hiring professional employees.
- Write a technical report documenting the development and content validation of an English expression test for hiring employees.
- Conducted an item analysis of an assessment for hiring professional employees.
- Pilot tested an English skills test for hiring IT professionals.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of a hiring assessment for professional employees.
- Conducted analyses to inform the revision of assessment center dimensions.
- Conducted content validation reviews with subject matter experts of hiring tests for manufacturing employees.
- Wrote a report on the development of a test blueprint for hiring IT professionals.
- Write a technical report on an analysis and Cutting Score study a Reading Comprehension Test for Hiring manufacturing employees.
- Wrote a technical report on the development of a job simulation assessment and situational judgment test for hiring manufacturing production workers.
- Created a process for a practice situational judgement test that candidates can take to determine their likelihood of getting hired and areas for improvement.
- Created an English expression online test for hiring information technology professionals.
- Computer scored accomplishment records for professional hiring.
- Reviewed a proposal to proceed with a computerized resume scoring process for hiring programmers in a large company.
- Conducted an Angoff study to determine the passing score on a hiring test with a group of supervisors.
- Wrote situational judgment questions to hire production employees in a manufacturing company.
- Wrote job simulation questions to hire production employees in a manufacturing company.
- Conducted plant visit to take pictures and observe jobs to develop questions for a job simulation assessment, situational judgment test, and physical assessment for production jobs in a manufacturing plant.
- Reviewed court case testimony and validation reports to provide litigation advice on a physical ability hiring system.
- Conducted a psychometric analysis of the assessments used for hiring security agents in a large government organization.
- Reviewed a proposal to use coding questions to hire programmers at a large bank.
- Reviewed a new case study for an assessment center.
- Conducted a psychometric analysis of assessments used for hiring secret security agent jobs.
- Conducted an analysis of an English literacy test for hiring in manufacturing.
- Revised the integration forms used for assessment centers for security officer, engineering, and technical jobs
- Conducted an analysis of the statistical implications of dimension (as opposed to exercise) score feedback in an assessment center.
- Conducted an analysis of the influence of group size on the group exercise scores in an assessment center in a large organization.
- Wrote another expert report in a multiple set of arbitrations on alleged age discrimination in downsizing decisions in a large organization.
- Wrote another expert report in a multiple set of arbitrations on alleged age discrimination in downsizing decisions in a large organization.
- Reviewed assessment center exercises for hiring in a large organization.
- Text mining (computer scoring) candidate essay application information for hiring into a professional occupation.
- Conducted a comprehensive adverse impact analysis and comparison to the labor market for a large number and wide range of specialist jobs in the government.
- Conducted a comprehensive adverse impact analysis and comparison to the labor market for hiring programs for professional and managerial jobs in the government.
- Reviewed the selection process for making downsizing decisions on management and professional employees in a large retail organization after an acquisition.
- Revised the test blueprint for an assessment for hiring security officers.
- Conducted adverse impact analysis of hiring test battery for professional hires in a government organization.
- Conducted an analysis of the adverse impact of the Situational Judgment Test for hiring college graduates at a large international company.
- Conducted a statistical study of the stability of computer scoring of candidate essays over time.
- Created Excel forms for integrating assessment center ratings based on consensus discussions.
- Developed prescreening interview and structured interview for Regional Property Manager job.
- Revised an employment test after a breach of security of the items.
- Wrote a report on age discrimination case in a reduction in force for an arbitration.
- Conducted an item analysis and revision of an online knowledge assessment for hiring security engineers.
- Conducted an item analysis and revision of an online knowledge assessment for hiring security technical specialists.
- Conducted a content validation and pilot test of a reading comprehension test for hiring production associates.
- Wrote a development and content validation report for a reading comprehension test for hiring production employees.
- Conducted an item analysis of test used for hiring security engineers and technicians.
- Wrote a report on an adverse impact analysis and progress on revising hiring procedures after an audit by the OFCCP.
- Conducted a detailed criterion-related validation analysis of tests for hiring production employees in a large manufacturing company.
- Write a report on the development of a blueprint for an online test based on a job analysis.
- Created structured interviews for leasing manager in multi-family housing apartments.
- Conducted a review of a downsizing process for a age discrimination litigation support project.
- Served as a technical advisor on a validation study of a situational judgment test used by a large international bank.
- Developed a blueprint from a job analysis for a test for hiring security officers.
- Developed a personality test for hiring into a property management company.
- Reviewed proposal to develop a machine learning algorithm for scoring assessments for hiring into a large organization.
- Reviewed a machinist (tool & die) test for hiring employees in a manufacturing company.
- Conducted an analysis of the relationship between computer scores and assessor scores on accomplishment records and application materials.
- Write a report on the conclusions and recommendations from a validation study on an automated (computer scored) writing assessment.
- Wrote a technical report to document the development , content validation, and pilot testing of a battery of employment tests for hiring.
- Reseached maintenance test items publicly or commercially available for developing hiring and promotion tests.
- Developed six prescreening interviews for property managers, maintenance managers, technicians, and leasing staff.
- Developed a prescreening interview for a community manager job in an apartment company.
- Reviewed assessment center exercises for hiring professional employees in a large organization.
- Programmed a maintenance test online.
- Reviewed the literature on age stereotypes, age discrimination, business strategy, and other topics as part of an age discrimination in hiring litigation support study.
- Conducted detailed analyses of business strategy and marketing materials, depositions, and other information as part of an age discrimination in hiring litigation support study.
- Developed structured interviews for manager and leasing agent jobs and for all maintenance jobs for a multi-family property management (apartment) company.
- Conducted individual assessment for over 80 candidates for managerial and professional positions for a multi-family housing company.
- Developed a structured interview for a community manager of multi-family housing.
- Developed a job knowledge test for hiring visa adjudicators.
- Developed a test of English language skills for hiring manufacturing employees whose first language is not English.
- Conducted surveys of subject matter experts to pick and content validate items for a job knowledge assessment.
- Conducted a cut score analysis of a hiring assessment for professional financial employees.
- Wrote report on creating a Spanish version of simulations for selecting pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.
- Reviewed tests for hiring electricians in a factory.
- Reviewed the promotional testing policies and procedures for a large financial government agency.
- Analyzing the impact of various cutoff scores for an online assessment and documenting the decision in a report.
- Wrote an audit report for an organization to monitor its compliance with an OFCCP conciliation agreement for senior management.
- Analyzed the correlations between computer and assessor scores of accomplishment records to determine equivalency in a large scale hiring process.
- Writing a report on creating alternative forms of simulations and interviews, evaluating psychometrics and validity, revising scoring, and revising bands for hiring specialist and professional employees.
- Revising the scoring and the norms and bands for assessments.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of an online assessment for hiring security agents in a large organization.
- Conducted items analyses of reading comprehension, English expression, and situational judgment tests.
- Wrote a content validity report on interviews, test, and exercise for hiring technical security specialists in a government agency.
- Designed and analyzed the data from a content validation study and wrote a report for hiring into production jobs in manufacturing.
- Created alternative forms and evaluated psychometrics and equivalency for five simulations used for hiring hourly and professional employees in a retail organization.
- Conducted an item analysis of maintenance exams used for hiring in a manufacturing firm.
- Supervised the revision of the interview guide and training program for hiring production employees into a large manufacturing company.
- Revised the assessments for hiring security technicians including a test, writing sample, and several structured interviews.
- Revised test items, conducted content validity surveys, and conducted pilot test and item analysis of a written test for hiring security engineers.
- Wrote a content validation report on the revision of the assessments (resume screen, interviews, tests, essay exercises) for hiring security engineers.
- Reviewed a training program for test item writers for a large organization that uses tests for professional promotions.
- Reviewed the interview and related training for hiring production workers in a large manufacturing company.
- Conducted a study of the selection of unpaid interns in a government agency based on application information.
- Reviewed adverse impact analyses of the hiring assessments of a large organization and wrote an opinion.
- Conducted a fourth and final audit of the hiring processes of a large manufacturing company including an adverse impact, revisions of hiring procedures, and compliance with an OFCCP conciliation agreement.
- Reviewed hiring assessment for hiring and promotion of financial and banking examiner jobs in a large federal agency.
- Researched Bachelor degrees related to library science, public relations, and similar degrees for hiring information resource professionals in a large agency.
- Reviewed interviews and case exercises for hiring human resources, facilities, and engineering jobs.
- Reviewed maintenance tests for a large manufacturer.
- Consulted with international consulting firm about doing business is the US.
- Conducted content validity surveys for several jobs in a large government organization.
- Conducted an analysis of the equivalence of alternative forms of assessment center exercises for a large organization.
- Analyzed differences in difficulty of assessment center exercises in a large center with over 3000 cases.
- Conducted an analysis of changing the weighting of the dimensions of the exercises on the passing rates in a large-scale assessment center.
- Developed and content validated situational judgment tests for hiring information management technical specialists.
- Developed and content validated job knowledge tests for hiring information management technical specialists.
- Reviewed assessments for hiring financial specialists.
- Reviewed the hiring procedures for bank examiners for a large government agency.
- Developed a cut score validation study plan.
- Conducted a review of a skills trades testing proposal for a manufacturing company.
- Revised the tests and interviews for hiring security engineers.
- Reviewed and revised the assessments (interviews and tests) for hiring security engineers for a large organization.
- Analyzed the equivalency of the assessments used in two different hiring programs.
- Reviewed hiring assessments for hiring security engineers.
- Conducted an analysis of alternative scoring methodologies for Situational Judgment Tests for a large employer.
- Conducted a review of validation reports on a personality test for a large IT services vendor.
- Supervised a job analysis and made recommendations for changes to assessment for hiring production employees in a manufacturing firm.
- Reviewed validity report on cultural assessment used for hiring in a large company.
- Researching criminal background checking companies for litigation support.
- Analyzed the adverse impact from using an online competency test as a prescreen for hiring into professional jobs in a large organization.
- Wrote a report documenting the revisions to the interviews and other assessments for hiring special agents in a large government organization.
- Reviewed a physical ability testing program for hiring materials handlers into a shipping company.
- Conducted a benchmarking survey of psychometric testing in large financial firms, blue chip firms, and testing vendors in the US.
- Researched the use of clinical psychological interviews for hiring.
- Revised a study guide for candidates taking assessments for professional jobs in a large government organization.
- Developed practice tests for the recruiting website for professional jobs.
- Conducted an audit of the hiring processes of a large manufacutring company including an adverse impact, revisions of hiring procedures, and compliance with an OFCCP conciliation agreement.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of the interviews for hiring security agents in a large government organization.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of production hiring at a large manufacturing company.
- Reviewed engineering degree requirements for hiring security engineers.
- Reviewed a validation report for an online assessment for hiring security agents.
- Revised interviews and other assessments used for hiring security agents for a government agency.
- Conducted review of research literature on resume screening bias.
- Created survey and generate sample for a study of the use of testing in financial firms.
- Conducted an item analysis and revised a situational judgment test for hiring physicians.
- Conducting a research study on the effectiveness of an online practice test for encouraging strong candidates, increasing passing rates, decreasing adverse impact, and other outcomes for a large organization.
- Analyzing college degrees for hiring librarians.
- Revised assessments for hiring librarians (e.g., interview, case, competency test) based on changes in the field.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of hiring rates among hourly employees in a large organization.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of the hiring procedures for security personnel for a large government organization.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of the hiring procedures for security personnel for a large government organization.
- Conducted an analysis of the impact of the race and gender similarity between assessors and candidates on the scores in an assessment center for a large organization.
- Conducted an analysis of the influence of a new selection procedure on the nature of the candidates moving forward to the next selection procedures in terms of quality and diversity in a large organization.
- Wrote a detailed report documenting 15 years of validity evidence for all the hiring systems for all professional employees in a large government agency.
- Reviewed a personality test for adoption by a large company for hiring employees.
- Reviewing validation and adverse impact reports on assessments used by a large organization and writing opinions on the evidence and suggestions for improvement.
- Revised interview guides for promoting into senior management positions due to the redesign of leadership jobs in a large organization.
- Reviewed the hiring process for production employees, served on a committee to conduct a job analysis and make improvements, and wrote a report to senior management for a large manufacturing company after an OFCCP audit.
- Wrote a report describing the development of an alternate form of an online assessment battery for hiring office support staff.
- Revised a situational judgement test for hiring office support personnel.
- Conducted an analysis of the equivalency of version differences across case exercises and interviews for hiring in each of 15 professional jobs over several years in a large organization.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of hiring procedures for all professional jobs for a large government agency.
- Wrote a report on the development and content validation of a Situational Judgment Test for hiring professional employees in a large corporation.
- Wrote a predictive validation report for a large scale selection process for hiring hourly employees in a major retail organization.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of the assessment procedures for hiring professional employees in a large organization.
- Write a technical report documenting the development and content validation of an IT job knowledge test.
- Conducted a content validation and item analysis of a job knowledge test for information management professionals.
- Developed a subject matter expert survey for evaluating the content validity of commercially available cognitive tests for use in hiring professional employees in a large company.
- Conducted an analysis and wrote a report on the validity of tools for making downsizing decisions in a large organization.
- Revised the candidate application screening process for four professional jobs in a large organization.
- Reviewed assessment materials used for hiring professional employees for a large organization.
- Evaluated use of commercially available cognitive tests for use in hiring professional employees in a large company.
- Conducted content validation and diversity analysis of situational judgment test items for professional jobs.
- Conducted content validation of job knowledge items for hiring information management specialists.
- Applied computer scoring software to applications of new candidates.
- Conducted item analysis and wrote situational judgment items for hiring entry level engineers and other professionals in a large natural resources company.
- Developed a job knowledge test for information management specialists.
- Programmed an online performance rating data collection tool to support a large scale validation study in a large organization.
- Conducted an analysis of assessor leniency/severity for feedback in conducting interviews and other exercises in an assessment center of a large organization.
- Created feedback report for assessors to reduce leniency/severity in their ratings of candidates.
- Conducted a training program for interviewers for hiring professional employees in a large government organization.
- Facilitated an annual meeting of a legislatively mandated oversight group of testing experts that review the hiring process at a large federal government agency.
- Reviewed and recommended revisions to disposition codes for the information system for the hiring process for a large company.
- Conducted a research study to evaluate the effectiveness of a practice online for improving recruiting outcomes and reducing adverse impact.
- Created normative feedback report for 200 employment interviewers on their scoring in a large organization.
- Revised recruiting quizzes used by candidates to determine whether their credentials fit job requirements for a wide range of jobs for a large organization.
- Reviewed a technical report and other materials and provided an analysis and opinion in a race discrimination testing case.
- Created an applicant flow spread sheet to model the hiring process to determine the number of candidates to recruit for a large company.
- Wrote a report on a review of hiring procedures to ensure compliance with an OFCCP audit in a large company.
- Revised the promotion processes for executives in a large retail company in preparation for an organizational redesign.
- Conducted an analysis of changes to middle management jobs and revised the staffing tools (and succession management process) in a large retail organization.
- Reviewed a police promotional exam and wrote a report in a race law suit.
- Developed an online knowledge assessment for hiring information management specialists in a large organization.
- Conducted an annual training program on a structured rating process for reviewing applications and resumes in a large organization.
- Analyzed the compliance of managers with hiring decision rules in a large company.
- Reviewed revisions of interviews and assessment exercises for hiring professional employees for a large government agency.
- Conducted a review of a validation report on a maintenance testing program for a large organization.
- Conducted a psychometric, criterion-related validity, and adverse impact analyses of a test battery for hiring MANAGEMENT employees in a large retail organization (including situational judgment tests, personality test, and job simulation test).
- Conducted a psychometric, criterion-related validity, and adverse impact analyses of a test battery for hiring HOURLY employees in a large retail organization (including situational judgment tests, personality test, and job simulation test).
- Attended a meeting of the Framework Evaluation Technical Advisory Panel for the National Assessment of Educational Progress.
- Attended a meeting of the Framework Evaluation Technical Advisory Panel for the National Assessment of Educational Progress.
- Reviewed detailed case management exercises for hiring professional employees in a large organization.
- Analyzed and wrote a critical review of the physical ability job analysis and assessments used for hiring railroad workers.
- Reviewed an adverse impact analysis conducted by a law firm.
- Helped conduct a meeting of an oversight board of testing experts that annually reviews the hiring processes of a large government agency. Included presenting manadatory reports and also research projects conducted throughout the year.
- Programmed a practice online re-test so candidates could gage their improvement in preparing for an employment test for a large organization.
- Coducted a collusion analysis of candidate accomplishment records submitted as part of the application process to a large organization.
- Evaluated the validation evidence supporting a personality/culture test used by a large organization.
- Reviewed the job analysis and validation reports for a personality test for a large organization.
- Conduct analyses to evaluate and cross-validate a text mining model for scoring accomplishment records for hiring employees in a large organization.
- Review assessments for a large government client for usability.
- Applied text mining to accomplishment records as part of the hiring process in a large organization.
- Reviewed materials on a physical ability selection system in a court case on gender discrimination.
- Reviewing job knowlede test items for hiring informaton managment professionals and facilities managers.
- Reviewing assessment center exercises for a large government agency, including structured interviews, case management exercises, and group exercises.
- Conducted a psychometric analysis of tests used for a managment development training program in a large company.
- Created a comprehensive electronic archive of 210 technical reports describing research studies of the hiring processes of a large organization.
- Attended a meeting to review and propose innovative assessments for a large government agency.
- Conducted a comprehensive psychometric (statistical quality) analysis of all the hiring procedures (tests, interviews, assessment exercises) for 17 specialist professional jobs including 10 types of analyses for a large organization.
- Observed jobs, conducted interviews, and developed a proposal for a job analysis and physical ability selection system for a large manufacturer.
- Conducted a comprehensive adverse impact analysis of all components of the hiring process for 17 specialist professional jobs in a major organization, including detailed comparisons to the relelvant labor market availability.
- Conducted a comprehensive adverse impact analysis of a complex multi-component entire hiring process for management and professional jobs of a large organization, also including historical trends and comparisons to the labor market.
- Reviewed a selection system to evaluate the validity as part of a potential legal investigation.
- Conducted an analysis of the influence of having different assessors score different exercises in an assessment center.
- Conducted an analysis of the feasibility of conducting a criterion-related validity study for the assessmenst used by a large organization.
- Conducted an analysis of trends in passing rates on the selection procedures for a large-scale hiring program.
- Conducted an analysis of the equivalence of assessment center exercises for a large federal agency.
- Conducted analysis of assessment scores over time to ensure assessment are equivalent and to track trends.
- Conducted analysis of assessor scores to provide feedback on leniency and severity to improve accuracy.
- Conducted a literature review on the use of criminal history for hiring.
- Conducted a psychometric analysis and criteroin-related validity analysis of tests and interviews for hiring and promoting management employees in a large company.
- Programmed on online practice employment test to give candidates feedback before applying for a job.
- Conducted analysis of test scores in support of litigation on public academic testing program.
- Reviewed and wrote a report evaluating the staffing system implications of an accelerated management development program for a large organization.
- Reviewed and analyzed content validity evidence and wrote a validation report on a promotion and job assignment process for a large company.
- Programmed an online assessment for candidates to take a practice test before applying to a job.
- Analyzed adverse impactand passing rates, and then revised the bands on assessments used for hiring bankers and tellers.
- Conducted a criterion-related validation study of simulations to hire pharmacists and technicians.
- Analysed and adjusted the standardization and weighting of 16 online assessments for hiring professional emplloyees in a large organization.
- Wrote a validation report on the development of nine assessments for hiring scientists ane engineers in a research and development center of a large petrochecmical company.
- Conducted a psychometric analysis and item-level racial differences on a test used for hiring managment trainees in a large company.
- Wrote an administrative manual to document hiring pocedures for scientists and engineers in a petrochemical company.
- Reviewed literature to define best practices and then conducted evaluation the practices of a large company in terms of promotion systems.
- Conducted a psychometric analysis, adverse impact analyses, and revising bands on a large testing process.
- Programmed an online realistic job preview (career quiz) that is in interactive tool that asks candidates questions about their interests to foster a better choice of career tracks when applying to a large organization.
- Developed an experience and motivation interview for hiring scientists and engineers in a large petrochemical company.
- Developed guidelines and scoring scales for a candidate presentation exercise for hiring scientists and engineers in a large petrochemical company.
- Created and taught a training program on reviewing resumes, applications, and accomplishment records.
- Created and taught an annual interview training program for a large government agency.
- Reviewed the technical proposals for a large scale testing program.
- Developed a technical panel interview process for hiring scientists and engineers in the research and development center of a large technology company.
- Developed a resume screening process and accomplishment record process for hiring scientists and engineers in the research and development center of a large technology company.
- Developed a prescreening interview for hiring scientists and engineers in a research and development center of a large company.
- Conducted a candidate reactions survey in a large organization, including development, programming, administration, analysis, and report.
- Conducted an analysis and wrote a report on the downsizing practices of a large company.
- Reviewed job analysis and validation reports on assessments for hiring into a large medical facility.
- Conducted an analysis of the frequency with which repeat candidates get the same interviews and assessment center exercises in an large organization.
- Analyzed the reduction in adverse impact of cognitive by adding a Biodata Instrument.
- Conducted a validity analysis of a personality test for hiring entry level workers in a large retail organization.
- Analyzed the validity of a personality test in predicting turnover and promotion in a large organization.
- Developed an empirical key for a biographical information questionnaire for hiring for professional jobs in a large organization.
- Researched software for scoring narrative data (latent semantic analysis and related).
- Developed work simulations, situational judgment tests, and personality tests for hiring entry-level management employees for retail stores.
- Conducted a content validation of work simulations, situational judgment tests, and personality tests for hiring entry-level management employees for retail stores.
- Created candidate flow spreadsheet to track the progress of 220,000 records across three selection procedure stages over time.
- Conducted an analysis of passing rates by race and gender for several hiring procedures over a 20 year period.
- Conducted and analysis and developed a feedback report for 120 assessors on their scores on several exercises.
- Conducted and analysis and developed a feedback report for 58 assessors on their scores on several exercises.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of multiple selection procedures for multiple job groups for entry level hiring of a large organization.
- Reviewed a validity transportability study for enty level selection procedures for a large company.
- Reviewed and evaluated a layoff procedure for use with salaried employees in a large company and wrote report.
- Conduct a review of the process for hiring scientists and engineers and making recommendations for improvement in a large company.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of the minority and female hiring rates in a large organization.
- Developing feedback reports for assessors on score leniency, severity, and differentiation in a large assessment center.
- Developed feedback report for interviewers and assessors to improve the accuracy of their ratings.
- Writing a validation report on the revision of an internal promotion selection procedure.
- Conducted a training program on a highly structured application prescreening process for 30 assessors.
- Conducted a training progam on the scientific basics of hiring and the use of structured interviewers for 70 assessorsin a government agency.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of the minority and female hiring rates in a large organization.
- Reviewed a physical ability selection process for hiring as part of a lawsuit in a major organization.
- Writing a report on extending a succession management process to additional managerial jobs.
- Wrote a validation report on the revision of structured interviews and strucutred internal reference process for management and technical promotions in a retail organization.
- Conducted an analysis of whether subject matter experts can estimate race differences on test items used for hiring.
- Reviewed and revised revised management promotion process for a large organization after jobs were redesigned.
- Analyzed potential race bias in job knowledge items for hiring.
- Conducted adverse impact analysis of qualifications evaluation process for 16 professional jobs, including application and accomplishment record.
- Conducted content validation of 16 selection systems for professional jobs.
- Conducted psychometric analysis of 16 selection systems for professional jobs.
- Developed case exercises for hiring librarians and information management professionals.
- Developed case exercises for hiring librarians and information management professionals.
- Developed situational interviews for hiring librarians and information management professionals.
- Developed guidelines for making job assignments for staffing and career development in a large organization.
- Developed a Career Development Review rating procedure as part of a succession management process in a large organization.
- Advised a large multi-national company on assessments for hiring and promotion.
- Developed and conducted a training program for 70 assessors for a large government agency.
- Developed training videos for structured interviewing.
- Developed an online assessment for social workers including technical judgment and interpersonal judgment.
- Developed an online assessment for librarians including technical judgment and interpersonal judgment.
- Programmed a candidate reactions survey that can be completed on cell phones.
- Conducted an assessment and development center for Operations Managers for a large company.
- Developed case exercises for hiring social workers for a government agency.
- Developed hypothetical/situational interviews for hiring social workers for a government agency.
- Served as expert in revising promotion and appraisal systems as part of a conciliation agreement in an employment lawsuit.
- Conducted a content and criterion-related validation study of assessments for hiring bankers and tellers in a large bank.
- Developed assessments of innovation for all the major career tracks for evaluating the innovation skills of new professional hires for a large government organization.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of the selection systems for hiring
profesional employees in a wide range of specialist jobs in a large government agency.
- Developed a situational interview for social workers.
- Estimating the adverse impact of substituting a situational judgment test
for a biodata measure in a large-scale test batter
- Developed structured prescreening evaluations for hiring librarians.
- Developed structured prescreening evaluations for hiring librarians.
- Developed online assessment of situational judgement for hiring language teachers.
- Developed online assessment of situational judgement for hiring librarians.
- Developed case exercises for hiring language teachers.
- Developed case exercises for hiring librarians.
- Developed structured interviews for language teachers.
- Developed structured interviews for librarians.
- Developed scored prescreening process for social workers.
- Developed an online assessment for information processing technical specialists including technical judgment and interpersonal judgment.
- Developed a personality test for hiring bankers and tellers.
- Developed a test of attention to detail for hiring bankers and tellers.
- Developed a math test for hiring bankers and tellers.
- Developed a situational judgment test for hiring bankers and tellers.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of the background checking process used for hiring professional employees for a large government agency.
- Wrote a report on changes to an accomplishment record, application review, and assessment center to improve the measurement of innovation.
- Reviewing changes to management jobs in a large retail organization to determine if changes are needed to hiring and promotion decisions.
- Conducted a content validation of a structured interview and internal reference process for promoting store managers
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of a large-scale hiring program for security agents for a federal government agency.
- Provided expert witness support and wrote a report in an age discrimination case in promotion in a city government.
- Developed training videos for subject matter experts to learn how to evaluate candidates in highly structured interviews for hiring security agents for the federal government.
- Conducted training on administering an application review process, including accomplishment records for hiring international government employees for 50 assessors.
- Conducted assessor and interviewer training for 50 government security agents.
- Conducted a psychometric (statistical quality) analysis of the dimension ratings in a large-scale assessment center
- Conducted literature review of physical ability selection systems and gender differences in physical abilities.
- Conducted a psychometric (statistical quality) analysis and an adverse impact analysis of the selection procedures for promoting managers in a large company
- Developed an online assessment including situational judgment and job knowledge items for hiring financial managers.
- Developed structured interviews for hiring financial managers.
- Developed case study exercises for an assessment center for hiring financial management jobs.
- Conducted an analysis of passing rates on an assessment center over 5 years on a large government agency.
- Conducted an analysis of the impact of assessor-candidate race and gender similarity on assessment center exercises and structured interviews for a government agency.
- Conducted analysis of the equivalence of alternative versions of assessment center exercises for a large government agency.
- Conducting analyses of the influence of a prescreening process on passing rates of an assessment center, as well as adverse impact.
- Conducted assessment center feedback (executive coaching) calls with groups of plant and operations managers for a large company.
- Developed a situational judgment test for medical laboratory technicians.
- Developed situational/hypothetical inteviews for medical laboratory technicians.
- Conducted an analysis of repeat test takers onemployment tests and assessment center exercises by race.
- Researched tests of creativity for use in understanding the likely innovativeness of new hires into government jobs.
- Conduct individual assessments for supervisor and management hiring into a steel company.
- Evaluated scoring gains of repeat tewst takers on a large country-wide selection test and assessment center.
- Evaluated physical ability selection procedures for hiring firefighters.
- Conducted meeting facilitation between a large organization and the EEOC on a conciliation agreement in a discrimination lawsuit.
- Conducted training for assessors evaluating applications using a structured scoring process (Qualifications Evaluation Panle)
- Developed structured situational interviews for facilities manager jobs.
- Conducted an analysis of the predictability of an application review process.
- Conducted an analysis of repeat test takers in a large government hiring process, including employment tests, application evaluation procedures, and assessment center exercises.
- Wrote a validation report on a succession management process for a large corporation.
- Conducted adverse impact analysis of several major hiring systems for a large government agency.
- Conducted assessment center training for 70 assessors for a large federal government agency.
- Conducted adverse impact analysis for a lare scale hiring system for a federal government agency.
- Developed an online assessment of patient care and social skills for hiring psychiatrists.
- Provided litigation support and wrote a report on human resources practices during a reduction in force in a large company
- Revised the vacancy announcement for hiring professional government employees based on a job analysis.
- Conducted adverse impact for professional hires for a large government agency.
- Providing litigation support for a court case on age discrimination in a downsizing by reviewing documents and evaluating human resources practices.
- Providing litigation support for a court case on age discrimination in a downsizing by conducting statistical analyses, reviewing documents, and evaluating human resources practices.
- Conducted a Comparison of the Job Requirements of Security Agent Jobs Assigned in War Zones to a Job Analysis and Hiring Assessments for Traditional Jobs
- Developed case management exercises to hire visa adjudicators.
- Conducted a literature review on the definition of innovation and hiring for innovation.
- Developed an online test of English Expression (and proofing) for visa adjudicators.
- Developed an online test of comprehending regulations (reading comprehension) for visa adjudicators.
- Developed online job knowledge test for visa adjudicators.
- Developed online situational judgment test for visa adjudicators.
- Develop multiple situational (hypothetical) interviews for visa adjudicators.
- Conduct routine training on assessment administration.
- Programmed reasonable accommodations into online assessment tests.
- Developing Excel tools for compiling employee hiring assessment center ratings.
- Developing resume prescreening and accomplishment record rating scales for visa adjudicators.
- Conducted literature review in support of pending litigation on selection procedures for physically demanding jobs.
- Developed three personality tests for hiring retail store managers.
- Developed three work sample simulations of for hiring retail store managers.
- Developed three situational judgment tests for hiring retail store managers.
- Developed experience and motivation structured interview for visa adjudicators.
- Wrote white paper on how to reduce adverse impact in a large-scale hiring process for a mjor organization.
- Developed three situational judgment tests for hiring retail store assistant managers.
- Conducted a benchmarking review of new developments in hiring procedures for retail management and entry-level management.
- Developed an assessment for selecting medical doctors including items development, pilit testing, and psychometric analysis.
- Conducted analyses of assessor scores on various exercises and other selection procedures to provide them feedback on their scoring compared to other assessors.
- Developed three situational interviews for Information Management Technical Specialists.
- Developed an online competency test for Information Management Technical Specialists.
- Developed three case management exercises for construction engineers.
- Developed three case management exercises for facilities managers.
- Developed two case management exercises for information management technical specialists.
- Developed realistic job preview questions for several medical jobs to be included in the application process.
- Developed three situational interviews for medical doctors.
- Developed three situational interviews for construction engineers.
- Developed three situational interviews for facilities managers.
- Evaluation of the layoff methodology at a large company compared to expected HR practices in downsizing.
- Analyzing the impact of veteran’s preference points and language skills points on the of professional employees into the Federal Government
- Developed case management exercises to select physicians and nurses.
- Develop an application form and application review rating process for a retail executive job.
- Develop an application form and application review rating process for pharmacy executive job.
- Developed past behavior interviews for hiring physicians and nurse practitioners.
- Developed experience and motivation interview for hiring physicians and nurse practitioners.
- Developed online assessment of patient care, bedside manner, and social skills for hiring physicians and nurse practitioners.
- Developed a promotion panel process for district managers in a large retail organization.
- Developed a situational judgment test for measuring patient care, bedside manner, and interpersonal skills for hiring doctors.
- Develop an application form and application review rating process for a store manager job.
- Conducted analyses of performance of veterans on selection procedures for professional jobs and advised on veteran's preference points.
- Wrote a technical report on the development and content validation of structured interviews and internal reference reviews for four executive level retail manager jobs.
- Developed an interviewing training video depicting example candidate answers to questons.
- Developed online knowledge and situational judgment assessments for hiring general services managers for a government organization.
- Developed case management exervcises for hiring general services managers for a government organization.
- Developed structured interviews for general services managers for a government organization.
- Develop and validate internal reference reviews for promoting between levels of executive managers in a retail company.
- Providing litigation support on a sex discrimination lawsuit involving physical ability testing for a firefighter position.
- Conducted an item analysis, adverse impact analysis, and candidate reactions analysis of a math assessment used for promoting retail managers.
- Conducted a historical adverse impact analysis of all the hiring procedures for the last 30 years for a large government organization.
- Conducted collusion analysis of candidate responses to personal narrative (accomplishment record) responses in a large-scale hiring system.
- Developed case study exercise for hiring office management employees.
- Developed case study exercise for hiring professional IT employees.
- Conducting adverse impact analyses of professional employees for a large federal agency, including researching comparisons to the labor market.
- Conducting adverse impact analyses for security agents for a large federal agency.
- Reviewed and analyzed 10 certifications for information technology professionals in terms of requirements, job relatedness, and comparability for use in hiring.
- Converted interview arrays into alternative forms including revising the detailed anchored rating scales for seven pharmacy and management jobs in a retail organization.
- Analyzed the psychometric properties of the rating dimensions in a large scale assessment center in the federal government.
- Revised cutting scores and bands, and analyzed adverse impact for multiple selection procedures for a set of hourly jobs in retail.
- Developed two case management exercises for hiring human resource management specialists.
- Developed and validated minimum qualifications for professional, management, and executive jobs in a retail company.
- Conducted analysis of cut scores in relation to yields, bands, and adverse impact for aptitude and personality tests for entry level hiring in a large organization.
- Researched, compared, and evaluated information technology certifications programs as hiring criteria in a large organization.
- Develop a qualifications evaluation panel process for hiring information technology, human resources, and admininstrative jobs in a large government agency.
- Develop a qualifications evaluation panel process for hiring doctors, psychiatrists, and nurses in a large government agency.
- Develop an application scoring procedure for retail management and pharmacy hiring and promotion.
- Revising computerized applicant tracking system for internal and external job applicants for a large company.
- Revised the application forms for pharmacy and pharmacy management jobs in a large drug store chain.
- Revises the applications forms for management jobs in a retail company.
- Develop and validate structured interviews for promoting to executive pharmacy managment in a retail company.
- Develop and validate structured interviews for promoting between three levels of executive managers in a retail company.
- Conducted content validity studies of structured internal reference reviews for three managerial jobs in a large company, including linkage analyses, subject matter expert reviews, and technical reports.
- Conducted content validity studies of structured interviews for four managerial jobs in a large company, including linkage analyses, subject matter expert reviews, and technical reports.
- Developed procedures for a reduction in force of sales employees.
- Validated minimum qualifications for management and executive jobs for internal promotions.
- Validation of minimum qualifications for manager and executive jobs in a large retail company.
- Content validated inteview guides for hiring executives and managers in a large company.
- Evaluate, revise, and validate application forms used for hiring and promoting pharmacists.
- Develop and validate internal reference reviews for promoting between levels of pharmacy managers in a retail company.
- Develop and validate internal reference reviews for promoting between three levels of managers in a retail company.
- Develop and validate structured interviews for hiring and promoting between levels of pharmacists and pharmacy managers in a retail company.
- Develop and validate structured interviews for hiring and promoting between three levels of managers in a retail company.
- Evaluate, revise, and validate application forms used for hiring and promoting managers in retail stores.
- Developed a situational judgment test (online) for hiring informaiton management specialists.
- Developed a situational judgment test (online) for hiring human resource management specialists.
- Developed a job knowledge test (online) for hiring informaiton management specialists.
- Review of scholarship programs for selecting candidates into professional jobs in the federal government.
- Conducted an analysis of differences in alternative forms of several assessment center exercises (group, case, and interviews)
- Developing standardized prescreening systems for scoring work experience, education, and other application matrials for information management specialists.
- Developing standardized prescreening systems for scoring work experience, education, and other application matrials for human resource specialists.
- Developed a case management exercise for hiring human resource management specialists.
- Developed a job knowledge test (online) for hiring human resource management specialists.
- Develop an online math assessment for promoting store managers.
- Created an assessment center for plant manager promotions and management development for a large manufacturing company, including creating assessments (e.g., structured interviews, group exercises, and cases) and assessor training.
- Development of case management exercise for information management specialist jobs.
- Developing standardized prescreening systems for scoring work experience, education, and other application matrials for office management specialist.
- Developing structured past behavior interviews for hiring professional employees.
- Developed database input and database lookup online assessments for hiring office management specialists.
- Developed an online skills assessment test for office management specialists and clericals for a large government agency
- Conducted adverse impact analysis for hiring into 19 occupations for a large government agency.
- Development of case management exercise for office management specialist jobs.
- Developing online knowledge test for hiring human resource specialists.
- Developing online knowledge test for information management specialist jobs.
- Developing interviews for hiring specialist professional employees in a large federal government agency, including past behavior interviews, situational interviews, and work/educational experience interviews.
- Developed anchored rating scales for evaluating application, resume, and accomplishment record information for prescreening large numbers of professional employees (8,000/yr) in a large government organization.
- Reviewed scholarship programs to determine equivalence to passers of job knowledge and aptitude tests for hiring professional employees into the Federal government.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis and determined the optimal cut score for an online selection procedure for hiring security officers in a government organization.
- Wrote a report recommending how job analysis information should be used for revising hiring, training, performance appraisal, and promotions systems for 18 occupations in a large organization.
- Conducted content validity analysis survey evaluating promotion procedures for store manager jobs.
- Conducted a review of the validation evidence and report for a testing process for hiring into a box plant as part of a court case.
- Conducted an adverse impact analysis of trade school admissions in support of a court case against a trade union.
- Conducted an analysis of the validity of trade school admission selection procedures in support of a court case.
- Conducted an analysis of a structured inteviewing process (including content and training) as an expert witness in a court case.
- Revised the selection procedures for hiring information management specialists in a large government agency.
- Developed a training program for reviewing resumes using a highly structured process for professional hiring in a large government agency.
- Analyzed the relevant labor market by diversity subgroup for professional jobs in a large government agency.
- Develop a workforce planning modeling tool for estimating the number of passers at each stage of the hiring process for multiple jobs in a large government agency.
- Conducted a demographic analysis of passers and failers of the selection procedures used for hiring professional employees in a large government agency.
- Conducted a training program on the scientific basis of personnel selection and on strcutured interviewing (including developing training videotapes of candidates) for training 70 assessors that admininster a year-round assessment center to over 4,000 candidates annually in a large government agency.
- Conducted a criterion-related validation of selection procedures used for acceptance into a pipefitter training school.
- Developed structured interviews for hiring hourly employees into stores for a large drug store chain.
- On an ongoing basis, conducted individual assessments (testing and report writing) for supervisory, sales, managerial, engineering, metallurgy, and other professional positions for a steel mill.
- On an on-going basis, conducted individual assessments (testing and report writing) for supervisory, sales, managerial, engineering, metallurgy, and other professional positions for a steel mill.
- Conducted individual assessments (testing and structured interviewing) for professional and hourly hiring in an animal nutrition company.
- Conducted individual assessments (testing and structured interviewing) for professional and hourly hiring in an animal nutrition company.
- Conducted individual assessments (testing and structured interviewing) for professional and hourly hiring in an animal nutrition company.
- Conducted career development interviews for managers and professionals in an animal nutrition company
- Conducted career development interviews for managers and professionals in an animal nutrition company
- Conducted career development interviews for managers and professionals in an animal nutrition company
- Conducted career development interviews for managers and professionals in an animal nutrition company (JBS United, 2007)
- Conducted individual assessments (testing, structured interviewing, and report writing) for supervisory candidates for a steel mill.
- Conducted individual assessments (testing and report writing) for supervisory, sales, managerial, engineering, metallurgy, and other professional positions for a structural steel company from 2000-2005.
- Conducted individual assessments (testing and report writing) for supervisory, sales, managerial, engineering, metallurgy, and other professional positions for a steel company from 2001 to 2005.
- Review of the hiring and recruiting procedures for associates in a large home furnishings chain based on a job analysis and technical review for a court case injuctive relief agreement.
- Serve as the primary technical advisor for over 10 years on a large scale written examination (n = 20,000 annually) and assessment center (n = 4,000 annually) for hiring professional employees into a large federal government agency including test development, validation, revisions, cut scores, adverse impact, assessor training, operational issues, and management consulting.
- Developed and validated a computerized simulation for hiring pharmacists in central pharmacy operation centers in a larger retail drug store company
- Developed and validated four computerized simulations for hiring technicians in central pharmacy operation centers in a larger retail drug store company
- Developed and validated three structured interviews for hiring pharmacists in central pharmacy operation centers in a larger retail drug store company
- Developed and validated six structured interviews for hiring technicians in central pharmacy operation centers in a larger retail drug store company
- Developed and validated structured interviews for hiring managers in central pharmacy operation centers in a larger retail drug store company
- Development of a structured interview for hiring pharmacists on the college campus.
- Conducted a study of criterion-related validity, adverse impact, and optimal cut scores for a selection system for pharmacist and specialist jobs in a lare drug store company.
- Conducted an adverse impact and labor market availability analysis of a large-scale testing program for hiring professional employees into a government agency.
- Developed interview writing guidelines and content specifications for training subject matter experts to develop structured interviews
- Conducted criterion-related validation studies of computerized simulations and structured interviews for hiring pharmacists and technicians in central pharmacy operation centers in a larger retail drug store company
- Developed and validated simulations for hiring hourly store employees in a larger retail drug store company
- Developed and validated situational judgment tests for hiring hourly store employees in a larger retail drug store company
- Developed and validated personality tests for hiring hourly store employees in a larger retail drug store company
- Developed and validated structured interviews for hiring hourly store employees in a larger retail drug store company
- Developed and validated situational judgment tests for hiring pharmacists in drug store jobs in a larger retail drug store company
- Developed and validated past behavior interviews and internal reference reviews for hiring pharmacists in drug store jobs in a larger retail drug store company
- Developed and validated situational judgment tests for hiring pharmacy technicians in drug store jobs in a larger retail drug store company
- Developed and validated past behavior interviews and internal reference reviews for hiring pharmacy technicians in drug store jobs in a larger retail drug store company
- Conducted a psychometric and content validity analysis of selection procedures (including structured interviews, formal reference procedures, training programs, degree requirements, experience requirements, etc.) for hiring and promoting store managers in a large retail drug store company
- Conducted a psychometric and content validity analysis of selection procedures (including structured interviews, formal reference procedures, training programs, degree requirements, experience requirements, etc.) for hiring and promoting pharmacy managers in a large retail drug store company
- Conducted a psychometric and content validity analysis of selection procedures (including structured interviews, formal reference procedures, training programs, degree requirements, experience requirements, etc.) for hiring and promoting management trainees in a large retail drug store company
- Conducted a psychometric and content validity analysis of selection procedures (including structured interviews, formal reference procedures, training programs, degree requirements, experience requirements, etc.) for hiring and promoting pharmacists in a large retail drug store company
- Conducted a psychometric and content validity analysis of selection procedures (including structured interviews, formal reference procedures, training programs, degree requirements, experience requirements, etc.) for hiring and promoting district managers in a large retail drug store company
- Conducted a psychometric and content validity analysis of selection procedures (including structured interviews, formal reference procedures, training programs, degree requirements, experience requirements, etc.) for hiring and promoting executive assistant managers in a large retail drug store company
- Conducted a psychometric and content validity analysis of selection procedures (including structured interviews, formal reference procedures, training programs, degree requirements, experience requirements, etc.) for hiring and promoting pharmacy supervisors in a large retail drug store company
- Conducted a content validity analysis of structured interviews used for staffing market vice president and community store managers in a large retail drug store company
- Conducted a content validity analysis of an individual assessment used for staffing executive jobs in a large retail drug store company
- Developed a plan to revise the hiring and promotion procedures for all store and pharmacy management jobs in a large retail drug store company
- Developed a model of recommendations and norms to guide the process of assigning managers to stores (including initial assignments, rotations, and promotions) both staffing and career development purposes in a large retail drug store company.
- Analyzed the developmental and career impact of job assignments based on a special job analysis study, interviews with a sample of senior managers, and review of HR files for store managers of a large drug store company.
- Analyzed the history of job movements and predictors of promotion for 40,000 managers over 20 years in order to understand the process and create normative data on job assignments for store managers of a large drug store company.
- Analyzed the job relatedness and adverse impact of pharmacy technician certification testing in a large drug store company.
- Analyzed the job relatedness and adverse impact of a math assessment for assistant manager promotion in a large drug store company.
- Conducted research and developed systems on personnel selection and testing, equal employment opportunity, and affirmative action planning for a region of 5,000 employees for 2 years full-time and 2 years part-time at a large forest product company.
- Developed and conducted a criterion-related validation study of a structured interview, test battery, and performance appraisal for staffing team-based production jobs in a new pulp mill; also developed system for selecting supervisors for the new mill.
- Conducted a large-scale criterion-related validation study and psychometric analysis of a promotional test for patent examiners.
- Developed a qualifications evaluation panel process for selecting government employees involving a structured on-line work experience and education questionnaire, accomplishment record, and test scores evaluation, including developing the concept and procedures, advising on the on-line registration process and evaluation software, pilot testing, training assessors, advising on implementation, and writing a detailed technical report.
- Developed structured interviews for hiring and promoting plant and operations managers in a glass container manufacturing company
- Provided technical oversight and participated in the development of a structured interviewing system for hiring managers in a large software company
- Developed and pilot tested a revised Biographical Information Questionnaire that is used to test 20,000 candidates annually for professional jobs in the Federal government.
- Developed test specifications and an item bank for a personality test for hiring front-line and customer-faking employees in an express shipping company.
- Conducted adverse impact and advised on cut scores and banding for hiring diplomatic security agents for a large federal government agency.
- Conducted item analysis and constructed a personality test for hiring front-line and customer-faking employees in an express shipping company.
- Conducted a criterion-related validation study and wrote a validation report for a personality test for hiring front-line and customer-faking employees in an express shipping company.
- Developed and published a test of teamwork knowledge with a company that markets employment tests.
- Developed an entry-level production hiring system consisting of a structured interview and test battery, conducted a content-related validation study in a steel mill, and implemented the hiring system for start-up staffing.
- Participated in writing a request for proposal to have an examination developed to assess over 12,000 applicants per year for hiring into a large department of the federal government; also participated in the evaluation and selection of the contractors.
- Participated in writing a request for proposal to have an examination developed to test nearly 20,000 applicants per year for hiring into a large department of the federal government.
- Served as a technical advisor to supervise the research firm developing a yearly written examination for hiring into a large department of the federal government, including the responsibility for ensuring the job-relatedness of the test and writing the validation report.
- Documented the content validity of a structured interviewing system for hiring managers in a large software company.
- Developed a test blueprint and supervised the selection of test questions by subject matter experts for an on-line test used for screening diplomatic security agents
- Developed a selection system for start up staffing of a new automobile parts manufacturing plant, including a structured interview, employment tests, work history evaluation, and realistic job preview.
- Conducted an Angoff study to determine the minimum cutoff scores on examinations used to test 20,000 candidates yearly for entry-level professional hiring into a large government agency
- Developed an entry-level production hiring system consisting of a structured interview and test battery, and conducted a criterion-related validation study of team-based production jobs in a steel mill.
- Conducted a content-related revalidation study of an entry-level production employee hiring system for a large pulp and paper mill.
- Advised on the validation of a selection system for hiring letter sorter operators in the post office.
- Developed and content-validated a structured interview for staffing production jobs in a petrochemical plant.
- Constructed a test battery for selecting administrative and maintenance jobs in a medium-sized fiberglass company.
- Developed customized written and job-sample tests involving the simulation of actual job tasks to measure basic skills for hiring production employees at an automobile parts manufacturer.
- Developed an assessment center for hiring entry-level overseas and domestic employees in a large government agency, including a leaderless group discussion, advocacy/promotion presentation, e-mail in-basket, structured interview, and writing sample.? Also conducted content validity analyses and wrote a validation report.?
- Developed a selection system for hiring production employees in a small aluminum extrusion plant.
- Served as an advisor to a large government agency on the revision of the selection system for latent fingerprint specialists.
- Advised on the development of a biodata inventory for selecting clerical employees.
- Reviewed an occupational literacy test for a state government agency.
- Developed a promotion system for research and development employees in a food processing company.
- Developed and conducted a content-related validation of an accomplishment record selection process for allowing changes of job assignments in a large department of the federal government.
- The pay-for-skills programs under 'compensation' involved the development of assessments to measure skill growth. In particular, walk-through performance tested were developed to measure knowledge and skill in a highly job related manner for maintenance jobs in 5 craft areas and production jobs in 7 departments.
- Analyzed the psychometric characteristics of assessment center exercises used to assess 4,000 candidates annually for a large Federal Agency.
- Analyzed the psychometric characteristics of assessment center exercises used to assess 4,000 candidates annually for a large Federal Agency.
- Developed a paper-and-pencil test to measure interpersonal skills normally assessed in past behavior structured interviews.
- Conducted an analysis of validity data and revised the scoring system for a selection instrument used by an aviation fuel service company.
- Developed and implemented an employee referral hiring program consisting of a structured interview, employment tests, and work history evaluation of an automobile parts manufacturer.
- Developed customized tests involving the simulation of actual job tasks to measure basic skills for hiring production employees at an automobile parts manufacturer.
- Developed a selection system for hiring supervisors in a steel mill involving interviews, tests, and performance evaluations.
- Developed a selection system for hiring production employees including a structured interview, employment tests, and work history screening for start-up staffing of an automobile parts manufacturer.
- Wrote a 500-page report documenting the content-related validation evidence for the assessment center used to hire entry-level candidates for a large government agency.
- Wrote a 300-page report documenting the content-related validation evidence for the written examination used to hire entry-level candidates for a large government agency.
- Advised a consulting firm on the revision of their selection interviewing products and programs.
- Developed a selection system of tests and interviews for hiring entry-level production and maintenance employees in a steel mill.
- Developed a selection system of tests and interviews for hiring entry-level production and maintenance employees in a steel mill.
- Developed assessment center exercises for hiring entry-level professional employees in a large government agency, including supervisory simulations and structured interviews.?
- Developed validation report for selection process developed for start-up steel facility.
- Revised previously developed prescreen form and structured interview for steel manufacturer.
- Provided outsource employment test and interview administration for assessing hourly candidates for a medium-sized automobile parts manufacturer.
- Analyzed and documented to content validity of an assessment center and other selection devices (e.g., group exercises, structured interviews, management case exercises, accomplishment records, and others) for hiring employees for a large government agency.? Also analyzed the reliability and other psychometric properties of the assessment center data.?
- Developed 6 structured (past behavior) interviews and 3 semi-structured (experience and motivation) interviews for hiring career generalist candidates for a large government agency.
- Developed 3 written management case study exercises (including both supervisory and quantitative subtasks) for hiring entry-level candidates for a large government agency.
- Developed 3 standardized work experience and education evaluation systems for prescreening candidates for a large government agency.
- Conducted validation studies and wrote extensive validation reports on the assessment center used for hiring employees for a large government agency.
- Conducted validation studies and wrote extensive validation reports on the written examination used for hiring employees for a large government agency.
- Analyzed the content validity of multiple assessments (structured interviews, assessment center dimensions, management case exercises, accomplishment record, and others) by showing linkages with job analyses data for hiring candidates for a large government agency.? Also analyzed the reliability and other psychometric properties of the assessment center data.?
- Developed 6 structured (past behavior) interviews and 3 semi-structured (experience and motivation) interviews for hiring career generalist candidates for a large government agency.
- Developed 3 written management case study exercises (including both supervisory and quantitative subtasks) for hiring entry-level candidates for a large government agency.
- Developed 3 standardized work experience and education evaluation systems for prescreening candidates for a large government agency.
- Revised the assessment center exercises used to hire entry-level candidates in a large government agency.
- 216. On an on-going basis, conducted extensive analyses of the adverse impact of the hiring procedures used for a large government agency.
- 217. Validated the use of scholarship and fellowship programs as alternatives to written aptitude examination requirements for entry-level hiring into professional government jobs.
- Empirically validated a job knowledge exam used to promote patent examiners and determine signatory authority.
- Conducted benchmark evaluations of the selection procedures used for entry-level professional hiring processes at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and KPMG - United Kingdom.
- Developed detailed test blueprints for career track subtests for a country-wide employment test used by a large government agency.
- Revised the job knowledge test blueprints for a country-wide employment test used by a large government agency.
- Updated the job knowledge test blueprints (specifications) based on a new job analysis for a country-wide employment test used by a large government agency.
- Wrote a white paper on the use of a total-candidate method of making employment decisions based on testing, assessment center, and work/education experience information for hiring into a large government agency.
- Conducted an analysis of repeat test takers on a written examination used for entry-level hiring into a large government agency.
- Conducted an analysis of repeat test takers on an assessment center used for entry-level hiring into a large government agency.
- Wrote validation reports documenting the revisions to an assessment center and specialist interviews used for entry-level hiring into a large government agency.
- Evaluated published tests available for hiring specialist professional employees.
- Evaluated validity of a physical ability test and alternative selection procedures in support of litigation (see above).
- Assisted in writing the request for proposal and then serving on the technical review panel for an exam in a large government agency.
- Conducted a psychometric and adverse impact analysis of a biographical information questionnaire administered to 20,000 candidates annually for professional jobs in the Federal government.
- Conducted a literature review of the prevalence, detection, and amelioration of faking in Biographical Information Questionnaires and made recommendations for the revision of the BIQ used to test 20,000 candidates annually for professional jobs in the Federal government.
- Conducted a subject matter expert review of a biographical information questionnaire administered to 20,000 candidates annually for professional jobs in the Federal government.
- Developed job knowledge exam blueprints for the major career tracks of a Federal government agency. The exam is administered nationwide to 20,000 candidates annually.
- Advised on the internet testing and assessment procedures for selecting security agents for a large Federal government agency.
- Developed job knowledge exam blueprints for security agents in a Federal government agency. The exam is administered to 1,000 to 2,000 candidates annually.
- Provide on-going supervision of revisions and use of all entry-level selection systems used by a large Federal government agency, including their testing program that is administered to 20,000 candidates annually and their assessment center that is administered to 4,000 candidates annually.
- Revised the 91-item biographical information questionnaire administered to 20,000 candidates annually for professional jobs in the Federal government, including writing new items, conducting subject matter expert reviews, pilot testing, and constructing revised instrument.
- Shortened a biographical information questionnaire to allow computer administration to nearly 20,000 candidates annually for professional jobs in the Federal government.
- Research and developed procedures for reducing the effect of cheating on internet tests and faking on biographical information questionnaires in large scale testing programs administered by the Federal government.
- Advised on use of internet tests and office skill certification programs for hiring of administrative and clerical personnel in a large government agency.
- Conducted psychometric and adverse impact analyses of an assessment center used for hiring professional employees into a large Federal government agency.
- Conducted a criterion-related validity analysis of a mechanical comprehension test for selecting manufacturing employees.
- Reviewed and provided consultation on a criterion-related validation (n = 543) of a test battery for selecting loan consultant employees.
- Advising on executive succession in an animal feed company.
- Developed structured interviews (situational, past behavior, and technical) and prescreening interviews for hiring project managers and supervisors in a construction company.
- Wrote report on annotating blueprints for written examinations used to hire professional employees in a large department of the Federal Government.
- Analyzed the reliability of assessors in scoring essays as part of the examination process for hiring professional employees in a large department of the Federal Government.
- Developed structured interviews and prescreening interviews for hiring entry level manufacturing employees in a small steel mill.
- Conducted job analyses and developed structured interviews and prescreening interviews for hiring superintendents, project managers, and administrative assistants in a small construction company.
- Analyzed assessment center exercises to ensure their comparability across exercises and across years.
- Conducted adverse impact analyses of employment testing and assessment exercises on an on-going basis for a large Federal Agency.
- Reanalyzed criterion-related validation data for a service manager selection system in a large shipping company.
- Conducted a scientific and legal defensibility review and suggested improvements to the succession management planning processes used for top management jobs in a large shipping company.
- Conducted a scientific and legal defensibility review and suggested improvements to the executive assessment processes used in a large shipping company.
- Developed structured interviews and advised on the improvement of the hiring process for entry-level hiring into a plastics extrusion plant.
- Conducted analyses and advised on adverse impact issues in preparation for an OFCCP audit in a large shipping company.
- Developed videos for structured interview training involving mock candidates taking interviews
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