Internet Capabilities & Assessment Hosting

Our internet interface solutions include secure servers to collect data for assessment, survey, and other applications.

Example Projects:

  • Programmed a practice test for candidates to get feedback on passing a hiring procedure.
  • Supervised the online programming of a practice test for candidates to get feedback as to whether they would pass in order to be hired.
  • Created NLP dictionaries for automated scoring of 20 common interview skill categories.
  • Revised online exams consisting of job knowledge, situational judgment, reading comprehension, and language knowledge for hiring professional employees.
  • Programmed case exercises for hiring that could be remotely administered.
  • Analyzed TF-IDF and other scoring methods for artificial intelligence competency measures for hiring.
  • Developed competency dictionaries to inform hiring decisions as a product for a start up artificial intelligence company.
  • Conducted analyses to determine text-based personality composites to use in an online product.
  • Programmed large number of job analysis surveys for online administration.
  • Conducted an analysis of the accuracy of computer models for scoring applications for employment in a large government agency.
  • Reviewing the literature and creating dictionaries for a range of constructs for an artificial intelligence employment selection algorithm.
  • Review the validation study for an artificial intelligence (machine learning) model for reviewing applications and resumes for hiring managers into a large company.
  • Writing articles (blog posts) on artificial intelligence for an AI assessment vender.
  • Converted tests and assessment exercises to remote administration.
  • Evaluating the products of a start-up company in the area of artificial intelligence tools for hiring.
  • Revised online assessments for remote administration for several jobs.
  • Modified online assessments to allow secure report testing for hiring for four professional jobs.
  • Creating job analysis surveys.
  • Converting online assessments to remote administration.
  • Revised a technical exam for hiring security technicians, including writing a technical report.
  • Programmed an online technical exam for hiring security engineers.
  • Programmed an online technical exam for hiring security technical specialists.
  • Programmed an online assessment for hiring government international couriers.
  • Programmed online job analysis surveys.
  • Revised online assessment coding for hiring production employees for medical instruments company.
  • Reprogrammed an online practice test for hiring professional employees.
  • Programmed online assessments for property management jobs.
  • Programmed a personality test for hiring into a property management company.
  • Programmed an online est for leasing consultants.
  • Programmed an online test to assess competencies for hiring visa adjudicators.
  • Programmed a maintenance test online.
  • Programmed a job knowledge test online and conducted a pilot test.
  • Programmed online assessment for security engineers.
  • Programmed an online job satisfaction survey for office management specialists in a large government agency.
  • Programmed an online survey of student intern satisfaction for a large organization.
  • Programmed an online performance rating data collection tool to support a large scale validation study in a large organization.
  • Reviewed and recommended revisions to disposition codes for the information system for the hiring process for a large company.
  • Reviewed an Applicant Tracking System for a large company to ensure compliance with OFCCP reporting requirements.
  • Developed an online knowledge assessment for hiring information management specialists in a large organization.
  • Programmed a practice online re-test so candidates could gage their improvement in preparing for an employment test for a large organization.
  • Reviewed software packages for performance management for a medium sized company.
  • Programmed on online practice employment test to give candidates feedback before applying for a job.
  • Programmed a survey to collect informaiton on the profession of opticianry.
  • Programmed an online assessment for candidates to take a practice test before applying to a job.
  • Analysed and adjusted the standardization and weighting of 16 online assessments for hiring professional emplloyees in a large organization.
  • Programmed an online realistic job preview online tool for a large organization.
  • Developed a realistic job preview online survey for a large government agency.
  • Programmed a survey to measure the test preparation of new hires in a large organization.
  • Developed an online assessment for social workers including technical judgment and interpersonal judgment.
  • Programmed a candidate reactions survey that can be completed on cell phones.
  • Programmed five online assessments of innovation potential of hnew hires.
  • Developed a Career Background Survey for conseling students taking online courses for certificates in various professions.
  • Developed a Training Previes for conseling students taking online courses for certificates in various professions.
  • Developed a Learning Styles Survey for conseling students taking online courses for certificates in various professions.
  • Programmed an online assessment for medical laboratory technicians.
  • Designed and programmed an online career interest profiler.
  • Developed and implemented an internet job analysis survey.
  • Developed an online test of comprehending regulations (reading comprehension) for visa adjudicators.
  • Developed online job knowledge test for visa adjudicators.
  • Developed online situational judgment test for visa adjudicators.
  • Programmed reasonable accommodations into online assessment tests.
  • Developing Excel tools for compiling employee hiring assessment center ratings.
  • Programmed an online assessment for medical doctors and nurse practitioners.
  • Programmed online subject matter expert review forms for content validating hiring procedures for numerous jobs.
  • Programmed an online assessment for hiring construction engineers.
  • Programmed an online assessment for hiring medical doctors and health practitioners.
  • Programmed an online assessment for hiring geneal services managers.
  • Programmed an online assessment for facilities managers.
  • Programmed online math assessment for promoting retail store managers.
  • Programmed online tests for hiring general services managers.
  • Developed a realistic job preview and job choice guidance quiz for the recruiting website of a large government agency.
  • Developed and implemented an online job analysis survey of 5,000 government employees in 5 career tracks.
  • Developed and implemented online job analysis surveys of 2,500 government employees in 18 specialties.
  • Designed and implemented customized online job simulations for 5 different professional and hourly jobs that have been used on over 3,000 candidates for in a large retail store chain.
  • Designed and implemented customized online job simulations, situational judgment tests, and personality tests to be used for hiring into 4 hourly job groups involving the assessment of 500,000 candidates annually for a large retail store chain.
  • Designed and implemented customized online situational judgment tests for hiring professional and hourly employees into stores for a large drug store chain.
  • Designed support online support tools for recording and tracking hiring and selection data in a large company.
  • Designed internet-based scoring center to collect information, track responses, and make selection decisions in a downsizing process in a large organization.
  • Programmed online hiring tests for staffing store pharmacy and technician jobs in a large drug store company.
  • Programmed online hiring tests for staffing store hourly jobs (e.g., service clerks, beauty advisory, photo specialists, and pharmacy technicians) in a large drug store company.
  • Programmed online hiring tests for staffing store pharmacy and technician jobs in centralized pharmacy operations in a large drug store company.
  • Programmed an online assessment scoring center for tracking, maintaining data, and making hiring decision for pharmacy and technician jobs in centralized pharmacy operations in a large drug store company.
  • Programmed an online job analysis survey and managed data collection for a study of 10,000 employees in a large federal government agency.
  • Programmed 18 online job analysis surveys for specialist jobs and managed data collection for a study of 8,000 employees in a large federal government agency.
  • Programmed an online job analysis survey and managed data collection for a study of 40,000 management employees in a large drug store company.
  • Conducted a large-scale job analysis of 5,000 overseas and domestic government employees including conducting focus groups, writing task and knowledge statements, developing and administering an Internet job analysis survey, analyzing the results, writing a technical report, and using the information to revise hiring tests, assessment center exercises, performance evaluations, training programs, and other HR systems.
  • Conducted a survey of competency requirements among 5,000 professional Federal Government employees located around the world using Internet technology.
  • Developed an online tool/quiz for job choice and realistic job preview for the recruiting website of a large government organization.
Please contact us for more information on how Campion Consulting Services can enhance your organizational capabilities.