Litigation Support

Our selection system expertise enables us to offer objective expert review and opinions regarding discrimination lawsuits. These services include research support, statistical analysis, reviewing best practices and industry standards, as well as expert testimony.

Example Projects:

  • Conducted adverse impact analysis of physical ability assessments for hiring for a lawsuit.
  • Gave deposition testimony in a court case on race and gender discrimination in compensation.
  • Planning compensation litigation defense strategy.
  • Wrote a comprehensive validation report on using criminal background checks for hiring at a major retailer.
  • Evaluated risk factors of jobs relevant to criminal background checks, and then linked to types of relevant criminal history, to validate a background checking process at a major employer and support potential litigation.
  • Reviewing the facts, conducting research, and writing a report on essential functions and alternatives in a lawsuit on the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Evaluated the validity of a training program exam for hiring into associate jobs in a retail organization for a law suit.
  • Analyzed facts, conducted research, and wrote a report on the business need for a staffing m model for a court case.
  • Finalized three expert witness reports in a gender and race class claim of compensation and promotion.
  • Conducted a preliminary review of a disability accommodation court case.
  • Wrote an affidavit on an adverse impact analysis of firefighter promotions in a large city.
  • Conducted adverse impact analyses of promotions among firefighters in a large city.
  • Advised on a firefighter promotional court case in a large city.
  • Reviewed count documents, expert reports, judge's decision, and other materials relevant to a race and gender case alleging discrimination in pay and promotion.
  • Reviewed expert reports in a pay discrimination case.
  • Analyzed gender similarity effects in a hiring context for an OFCCP audit.
  • Provided review of hiring system to address and OFCCP audit.
  • Gave a deposition in a court case on comparable worth in pay between jobs.
  • Wrote an expert report on comparable worth for a law suit in a major city.
  • Researching job differences between firefighters and emergency medical technicians and paramedics for a lawsuit.
  • Reviewing an expert affidavit, researching the literature, and writing an affidavit in response in a large race class action case.
  • Reviewed affidavits in a major class action litigation and incorporated into a report.
  • Conducted a literature review of criminal background checks for employment for a litigation support project.
  • Conducted a literature review and wrote a report on staffing agency best practices for recruiting and work assignments to ensure fairness and avoid discrimination.
  • Conducted an adverse impact analysis of alternative ways of combining cognitive tests and machine learning (artificial intelligence) assessment scores.
  • Wrote an expert testimony report describing analyses relevant to class certification in a race discrimination lawsuit.
  • Reviewed motion for certification in a class action lawsuit.
  • Reviewing depositions and writing addendum to an expert witness report in a discrimination court case.
  • Reviewed deposition in a court case on discrimination in employment in a hospital.
  • Conducted an adverse impact analysis of the hiring rates in a large property maintenance/janitorial service company as part of pending litigation.
  • Reviewed expert witness reports in a gender discrimination case.
  • Conducted a review of validation reports and the literature on isometric strength testing for hiring in a gender discrimination lawsuit.
  • Reviewed records and wrote an expert report in an age discrimination law suit.
  • Conducted an adverse impact analysis and wrote an expert report in an age discrimination in downsizing case.
  • Wrote an expert witness report on a race discrimination wrongful termination case.
  • Reviewed deposition and discovery materials to provide expert witness testimony in a race discrimination case.
  • Conducted statistical analyses for back pay liabilities in a court case.
  • Wrote a report on alternative selection procedures for a race discrimination in background checks court case.
  • Analyzed back pay liability (shortfall) for a gender hiring litigation matter.
  • Wrote a report on a review of the criminal background check process for a court case.
  • Conducted a review of the criminal background check literature for a court case.
  • Reviewed a criminal background check process in a large company for a litigation matter.
  • Analyzed the reliability of judgments about criminal background linked to job requirements.
  • Wrote a periodic report on an adverse impact analysis and progress on revising hiring procedures after an audit by the OFCCP.
  • Testified in an arbitration on remote work privileges of administrative law judges.
  • Testified in an arbitration on remote work privileges of administrative law judges.
  • Testified in an arbitration on remote work privileges of administrative law judges.
  • Testified in an arbitration on remote work privileges of administrative law judges.
  • Reviewed a proposal to proceed with a computerized resume scoring process for hiring programmers in a large company.
  • Reviewed court case testimony and validation reports to provide litigation advice on a physical ability hiring system.
  • Reviewed a proposal to use coding questions to hire programmers at a large bank.
  • Reviewing depositions for an arbitration; extracting key points.
  • Wrote another expert report in a multiple set of arbitrations on alleged age discrimination in downsizing decisions in a large organization.
  • Reviewed medical screening process for return-to-work at a steel company for potential Americans with Disabilities concerns.
  • Conducted literature review on workforce representation influence on racial stereotypes.
  • Responded to rebuttal reports of experts on the opposing side of court case by conducting analyses and reviewing the research literature.
  • Wrote another expert report in a multiple set of arbitrations on alleged age discrimination in downsizing decisions in a large organization.
  • Planned how to conduct a time study of donning and doffing protective gear in a food manufacturing plant.
  • Reviewed the literature to find citations and arguments to respond to question in a race and gender case.
  • Wrote another expert report in a multiple set of arbitrations on alleged age discrimination in downsizing decisions in a large organization.
  • Wrote an expert report in an arbitration on alleged age discrimination in downsizing decisions.
  • Reviewed an expert report in a race and gender discrimination in termination case.
  • Reviewed an opposing expert's research as part of a litigation support project.
  • Reviewed evidence in a case of race discrimination in a reduction of farce and provided an expert opinion.
  • Wrote a report on age discrimination case in a reduction in force for an arbitration.
  • Reviewed materials and attended meetings on race discrimination due to a downsizing case.
  • Testified in an arbitration alleging age discrimination in d reduction of force.
  • Wrote a report on an adverse impact analysis and progress on revising hiring procedures after an audit by the OFCCP.
  • Provided a deposition in a wage and hour case.
  • Testified in an age discrimination arbitration.
  • Served as an expert witness in multiple arbitrations alleging age discrimination following a reduction in force.
  • Conducted an adverse impact analysis in an age discrimination case after a downsizing.
  • Reviewed materials and wrote an report in support of litigation on an age discrimination case.
  • Wrote an expert report on a downsizing court case for a dental supplier.
  • Reviewed materials and provided an opinion on a downsizing court case for a dental supplier.
  • Wrote an expert report in an age discrimination court case involving a downsizing at a large organization.
  • Conducted a review of using succession management potential retings for downsizing decisions in a litigation support project.
  • Conducted a review of a downsizing process for a age discrimination litigation support project.
  • Wrote a rebuttal report as part of an age discrimination in hiring litigation support study.
  • Reviewed the literature on various statistics and provided a critique of a statistical expert report as part of an age discrimination in hiring litigation support study.
  • Reviewed the literature on age stereotypes, age discrimination, business strategy, and other topics as part of an age discrimination in hiring litigation support study.
  • Conducted detailed analyses of business strategy and marketing materials, depositions, and other information as part of an age discrimination in hiring litigation support study.
  • Wrote an audit report for an organization to monitor its compliance with an OFCCP conciliation agreement for senior management.
  • Wrote an expert report in an age discrimination in hiring case.
  • Conducted literature reviews on age stereotypes, industry employment, hospitality industry, marketing strategy, interviewing, recruiting, unethical behavior, etc., in support of a lawsuit on age discrimination.
  • Conducted a review of the business strategy, hiring practices, and other aspects of an organization that might create age discrimination.
  • Analyzed the data and wrote an expert report on a time sampling study to estimate the amount of work time for various task for a wage and hour lawsuit.
  • Reviewed a physical ability testing system at a distribution center for validity evidence as part of potential litigation.
  • Designed and conducted a time sampling study to estimate the amount of work time for various task for a wage and hour lawsuit.
  • Reviewed an adverse impact analysis for potential litigation in hiring for gender discrimination.
  • Conducted a fourth and final audit of the hiring processes of a large manufacturing company including an adverse impact, revisions of hiring procedures, and compliance with an OFCCP conciliation agreement.
  • Reviewed the validation report for a hiring system for technicians.
  • Researching criminal background checking companies for litigation support.
  • Reviewed a physical ability testing program for hiring materials handlers into a shipping company.
  • Provided an opinion on a court case on using criminal background checks for hiring.
  • Conducted an audit of the hiring processes of a large manufacutring company including an adverse impact, revisions of hiring procedures, and compliance with an OFCCP conciliation agreement.
  • Reviewed court decisions to advise on a law suit.
  • Conducted an adverse impact analysis of hiring rates among hourly employees in a large organization.
  • Reviewed the hiring process for production employees, served on a committee to conduct a job analysis and make improvements, and wrote a report to senior management for a large manufacturing company after an OFCCP audit.
  • Wrote a rebuttal report on statistical analyses in a race discrimination court case.
  • Reviewed validation reports and rendered opinions on validity and adverse impact for a personality test in a potential litigation context.
  • Wrote declaration for a court case on racial discrimination in job assignments.
  • Conducted an analysis of a criminal background checking policy for a large organization.
  • Conducted an analysis of job allocation data in a race discrimination case and wrote an expert report.
  • Researching information on the age distribution of occupations for the EEOC.
  • Reviewed an Applicant Tracking System for a large company to ensure compliance with OFCCP reporting requirements.
  • Reviewed a technical report and other materials and provided an analysis and opinion in a race discrimination testing case.
  • Provided deposition testimony on adverse impact in a race discrimination court case on criminal background checks.
  • Wrote a report on a review of hiring procedures to ensure compliance with an OFCCP audit in a large company.
  • Conducted analysis of leaves of absence to ensure compliance with Americans with Disabilities and Family Medical Leave Acts.
  • Reviewed a police promotional exam and wrote a report in a race law suit.
  • Analyzed the adverse impact of the hiring process for all jobs in a large mail order retailer
  • Reviewed a police promotional exam and wrote a declaration in a race law suit.
  • Reviewed and critiqued expert reports in a race discrimination court case.
  • Reviewed the hiring process for a large organization to assist in responding to an OFCCP audit.
  • Reviewed materials on a physical ability selection system in a court case on gender discrimination.
  • Conducted a review of the validity evidence supporting a criminal history checking process of a large organization and wrote a report for litigation support.
  • Wrote a surrebuttal report on performance evaluation and incentive compensation in support of a lawsuit at a financial services company.
  • Analyze the evidence and write a report on an equal pay case for a large financial organization.
  • Reviewed a selection system to evaluate the validity as part of a potential legal investigation.
  • Conducted a literature review on the use of criminal history for hiring.
  • Conducted the analysis of adverse impact of the use of criminal history for hiring.
  • Conducted analysis of test scores in support of litigation on public academic testing program.
  • Conducted analyses of workload differences by race as part of monitoring a concilliation agreement in a discrimination case.
  • Wrote an expert report on a statistical analysis of pay and promotion rate differences in support of a race discrimination lawsuit.
  • Conducted a statistical analysis of pay and promotion rate differences in support of a race discrimination lawsuit.
  • Conducted an analysis of race differences in pay in a large organization for a lawsuit.
  • Reviewed statistical analses of pay and promotions differences by race for a lawsuit.
  • Gave a deposition on an age discrimination court case.
  • Conducted a validity analysis of a personality test for hiring entry level workers in a large retail organization.
  • Wrote a rebuttal report on statistical analyses of adverse impact in an age discrimination class action lawsuit.
  • Conducted an adverse impact of age differences of all employes involved in a reduction in force in a large company for litigation support.
  • Conducted a literature review on decentralization of Human Resources departments in organizations.
  • Gave a deposition in a gender discrimination court case.
  • Wrote a rebuttal report on human resources practices used during downsizing for a court case on age discrimination.
  • Wrote a rebuttal expert report for a court case on sex discriminaiton of a preemployment physical ability test, inlcuding attending deposition, reading documents, and conducting analyses.
  • Reviewing materials and providing questions for expert depositions in an gender discrimination lawsuit.
  • Conducted adverse impact and labor market availability analysis for potential race dicrimination litigation.
  • Served as expert in revising promotion and appraisal systems as part of a conciliation agreement in an employment lawsuit.
  • Conducted an adverse impact analysis of reduction-in-force data for age discrimination.
  • Provided expert witness support and wrote a report in an age discrimination case in promotion in a city government.
  • Reviewed and wrote an expert report in a court case involving physical ability tests for hiring paramedics in a large city
  • Conducted literature review of physical ability selection systems and gender differences in physical abilities.
  • Conducted criterion-related validity analysis of physical ability tests for hiring paramedics.
  • Conducted adverse impact analysis of paramedic hiring in a large city government agency
  • Conducted an adverse impact analysis and regression analysis of hiring rates by race and gender in all jobs in a large company.
  • Conducted a psychometric (statistical quality) analysis and an adverse impact analysis of the selection procedures for promoting managers in a large company
  • Conducted analysis of performance ratings associated with a reduction in force.
  • Conducted adverse impact analyses with respect to age in the reductions in force due to an organizational restructuring in a large company in support of litigation
  • Conducting analyses of race differences in discipline rates to support a court case.
  • Analyzed job assignment and workload differences among employees to support litigation in a large discrimination lawsuit.
  • Evaluated physical ability selection procedures for hiring firefighters.
  • Conducted meeting facilitation between a large organization and the EEOC on a conciliation agreement in a discrimination lawsuit.
  • Conducted adverse impact analyses for an age discrimination class action law suit.
  • Provided deposition testimony in a large age discrimination class action lawsuit.
  • Conducted an analysis of workload differences in a trucking company loading dock for a court case (Project 2).
  • Conducted an analysis of workload differences in a trucking company loading dock for a court case (Project 1).
  • Conducted a large-scale survey of the preferences of store managers for job assignments.
  • Gave a deposition in a court case on contract fulfillment.
  • Gave a deposition in a court case on age discrimination.
  • Gave a deposition in a court case on age discrimination.
  • Testified in a court case on age discrimination.
  • Provided litigation support by reviewing depositions, exhibits, and other materials and evaluating reasonable business practices in a large age class action lawsuit.
  • Provided litigation support by evaluating commercially reasonable business practices in project management, quality management, contaractor management, and related topics and writing a report.
  • Conducted adverse impact analysis for a lare scale hiring system for a federal government agency.
  • Provided litigation support and wrote a report on human resources practices during a reduction in force in a large company
  • Conducted analysis of race differences in workload for a discrimination court case.
  • Conducted analysis of race differences in workload for a discrimination court case.
  • Providing litigation support for a court case on age discrimination in a downsizing by reviewing documents and evaluating human resources practices.
  • Providing litigation support for a court case on age discrimination in a downsizing by conducting statistical analyses, reviewing documents, and evaluating human resources practices.
  • Conducted literature review in support of pending litigation on selection procedures for physically demanding jobs.
  • Worked with plaintiff and defendant attorneys to implement a conciliation agreement to revise management promotion systems in a large company as part of a race lawsuit.
  • Providing litigation support on a sex discrimination lawsuit involving physical ability testing for a firefighter position.
  • Wrote a declaration in support of an age discrimination case in a downsizing context, including both statistical analyses and review of HR practices.
  • Conduct settlement analyses for race discrimination lawsuit.
  • Conducted adverse impact analysis for hiring into 19 occupations for a large government agency.
  • Analyzed hiring data in support of litigation, including adverse impact and validity of selection procedures.
  • Revising technical reports for attorney communications on court agreements on the revision of human resource systems in class action lawsuits.
  • Analyzed work assignment data for a race discrimination lawsuit.
  • Conducted a review of the validation evidence and report for a testing process for hiring into a box plant as part of a court case.
  • Conducted an adverse impact analysis of trade school admissions in support of a court case against a trade union.
  • Conducted an analysis of the validity of trade school admission selection procedures in support of a court case.
  • Conducted an extensive analysis of sexual harassment claims and associated data in a trucking company, including report and deposition testimony, as part of a larte court case.
  • Analyzed the downsizing process in a large financial services company, including writing a report and giving deposition testimony, in a court case.
  • Conducted an analysis of a structured inteviewing process (including content and training) as an expert witness in a court case.
  • Analyzed job assignment data for race differences as part of a discrimination lawsuit against a trucking company.
  • Conducted adverse impact analysis of selection decisions into technical school for skilled crafts.
  • Conducted a criterion-related validation of selection procedures used for acceptance into a pipefitter training school.
  • Review of the hiring and recruiting procedures for associates in a large home furnishings chain based on a job analysis and technical review for a court case injuctive relief agreement.
  • Reviewed all the hourly and salaried promotion politices, practices, and procedures and made recommendations for improvement to reduce subjective decision making as a result of a court order in a race discrimination case in a manufacturing company.
  • Conducting research and providing expert support in an age discrimination court case involving the retirement-plan choices and termination rates of older employees in a large retail company by analyzing statistical data and writing a report and rebuttal report
  • Conducting research and providing expert support in an age discrimination court case involving the termination of older employees in driving jobs at an automobile dealership by reviewing the research on accidents among older drivers, reviewing the research on physical declines with age, reviewing the research on conditions under which accidents occur with older drivers, studying the job of runner, and writing a report
  • Conducting research and providing expert support in a race discrimination court case on the personnel selection procedures for entry-level hiring in a large shipping company by reviewing and evaluating the validity of the selection procedure used, evaluating compliance with the Uniform Guidelines, analyzing alternative selection procedures, responding to the criticisms of the experts for the plaintiffs, writing a detailed report and rebuttal report, and providing deposition testimony.
  • Conducting research and providing expert support in a race discrimination court case on the performance evaluation process in a large shipping company by reviewing best practices in the literature, reviewing and evaluating the performance evaluation instruments and procedures, evaluating the process used to develop the procedures, evaluating the validity evidence, conducting psychometric analysis, responding to the criticisms of the experts for the plaintiffs, writing a detailed report and rebuttal report, and providing deposition testimony.
  • Conducting research and providing expert support in a race discrimination court case on the promotion process into management in a large shipping company by reviewing the instruments and procedures, the validity evidence, and writing a report and rebuttal report.
  • Conducting research and providing expert support in a negligent hiring court case in the recreational industry reviewing the research on negligent hiring and related topics, reviewing the hiring practices, visiting similar companies to learn about hiring practices, and writing a detailed report.
  • Conducted research and provided expert testimony in an age discrimination lawsuit resulting from a downsizing in a large retail company including reviewing the literature, analyzing the downsizing practices used, reviewing facts of the case, writing a report, and providing deposition testimony.
  • Conducting research and providing expert support in a race discrimination court case, including reviewing and evaluating the validity of the selection procedure used, exploring and analyzing alternative selection procedures, responding to the criticisms of the experts for the plaintiffs, and writing a detailed report for a large city.
  • Provided expert testimony on the validity of entry-level hiring tests and alternative selection procedures for an employment discrimination court case involving entry-level hiring of firefighters in a large city.
  • Researched the literature and evaluated the validity of a work tolerance (physical abilities) test for entry-level hiring in a meat processing plant and wrote a report for an employment discrimination court case.
  • Provided expert testimony in a class action court case involving gender discrimination due to a physical abilities test.
  • Provided litigation research support for a class action lawsuit alleging age discrimination against a large retail company.
  • Researched and analyzed a job evaluation system for production operators and skilled trade employees in a utility company, and then provided expert testimony in a labor arbitration case (also noted under compensation above).
  • Provided technical consultation and support for an audit by the OFCCP of the entry level testing procedures used by a large express shipping company.
  • Conduct adverse impact analyses of tests used for hiring entry level employees (40,000 candidates tested yearly) for a large express shipping company.
  • Conducted research and provided expert testimony in a copyright court case relating to opinion surveys, including reviewing the literature on the issues in the case, collecting and analyzing information on similar surveys to that in the case, analyzing the issues the case, providing conclusions, and then writing a report.
  • Conducted an investigation of employment discrimination and conducted reviews of the research literature on a range of topics (resistance to change, employee entitlement, retaliation, psychological contracts, negative affectivity, personality conflicts, emotional contagion, Group Think, extremity shifts, etc.) in support of a class action lawsuit at an express shipping company.
  • Conducted a literature review and wrote a report on age discrimination in the employment interview.
  • Conducted an analysis of interviewing practices in a utility company in relation to an age discrimination lawsuit.
  • Provided expert opinion and testimony in an age discrimination court case involving a utility company.
  • Provided testimony on hiring practices in a grievance hearing.
  • Wrote expert declaration regarding the validation of a written exam and adverse impact analysis statistics? for a large government agency.
  • Wrote expert declaration regarding the validation of a written exam and adverse impact analysis statistics? for a large government agency.
  • Conducted literature reviews of stereotyping, discrimination, race differences in performance evaluation, validation, and related topics for a large class-action lawsuit in a shipping company.
  • Reviewed and critiqued plaintiff's experts' reports, prepared for and attended depositions, and provided consultation for the preparation of a defense in a large race class-action lawsuit in a shipping company.
  • Prepared trail exhibits in preparation for defense testimony in a large race class-action lawsuit in a shipping company.
  • Provided testimony on the validity of hiring procedures as part of an arbitration case.
  • Provided expert testimony on an age discrimination case for a large law firm.
  • Reviewed a legal case and associated materials and offered an opinion regarding hiring practices of a restaurant in a sex discrimination lawsuit.
  • Advised a law firm on improvements to the hiring process of one of their clients.
  • Conducted a literature review on the validity of various employment tests to support a discrimination lawsuit.
Please contact us for more information on how Campion Consulting Services can enhance your organizational capabilities.